WOD / Events

We hope you enjoyed fun, family and food. Now come back to grind for a minute before you go home and finish up left overs.

Team Wod
AMRAP 30 Teams of 4; 2 guys/2 girls if possible
25 Pistols; FX:Lunges
50 Clean and Jerks 135/95; FX:115/80
100 Calorie Row
150 WBS 20/14
200 Double Unders


For this Holiday and everyday, The staff at CrossFit Route 7 is so thankful for the community of passionate, caring and hard working members. We are thankful for the opportunity to provide a fun and fruitful environment and build relationship that will last a life time.  We strive to be the best and to provide the highest quality of coaching, knowledge and programming. Thank you all for your patronage as we continue to grow and look to the New Year with Enthusiasm and great expectations. Happy Thanksgiving from CrossFit Route 7.

Oh yeah, No WODS today,  if you need to train there is a 10 am Wod at BCF!

No class on Thanksgiving.

Friday: 10:00 WOD, 11:00WOD

Saturday: 10:00 WOD, 11:00-12:00 Open Gym

Also, all members are welcome to pick up a WOD at BCF if more time options are needed.


Handstand Walk Practice
RX: 150 ft. For Time
FX 75 ft. For Time

BCF vs. CFSA Throwdown WOD #1
20m OH Walking Lunge 45/25
30 Handstand Pushups 4″ deficit/games standard
20m OH Walking Lunge 45/25
20 Ring Dips
20m OH Walking Lunge 45/25
10/5 Muscle Ups
FX:m(M) Games standard HSPU/(F)1 abmat, 10 C2B Pull ups

15 Min Cap

No class on Thanksgiving.

Friday: 10:00 WOD, 11:00WOD

Saturday: 10:00 WOD, 11:00-12:00 Open Gym

Also, all members are welcome to pick up a WOD at BCF if more time options are needed.


Clean and jerk, find a heavy single

4 Sets of:
6 Barbell Row
8 each Side Barbell Step up 95/65

No class on Thanksgiving. 1 class is Scheduled for Friday, November 27 at 1000. Please reserve early so that another class can be added to the schedule if needed.  Also, all members are welcome to pick up a WOD at BCF if more time options are needed.


On Nov. 5 at 1:34 p.m., a terrorist named Major Nidal Hasan attacked fellow soldiers and civilians at Fort Hood, Texas. When the shooting ended, he had killed 12 soldiers and one civilian and wounded 43 others.

Spc. Frederick Greene, 29, of Mountain City, Tennessee, Pfc. Aaron Thomas Nemelka, 19, of West Jordan, Utah, Pfc. Michael Pearson, 22, of Bolingbrook, Illinois, and Spc. Kham Xiong, 23, of St. Paul, Minnesota, along with eleven of the wounded were active CrossFitters in the 20th Engineer Battalion, home to Lumberjack CrossFit.

This workout is in honor of these soldiers. We are asking the CrossFit community to make donations in honor of these soldiers at cflumberjack.org.

“Lumberjack 20”
For time:
20 deadlifts, 275/185
Run 400m
20 KB swings, 24/16
Run 400m
20 overhead squats, 115/80
Run 400m
20 burpees
Run 400m
20 pull ups (Chest to Bar)
Run 400m
20 box jumps, 24/20
Run 400m
20 squat cleans, 115/80
Run 400m

Have athletes share barbells and run a stagger start

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