WOD / Events

Push Press
5 x 5 (A)

2 Rounds For Time:
10 Power Snatches 95/65
10 Toes 2 Bar
8 Power Snatches 95/65
8 T2B
6 Power Snatches 95/65
6 T2B
4 Power Snatches 95/65
4 T2B
2 Power Snatches 95/65
2 T2B
REST 1:1*

FX: 75/55

*athlete will rest the exact amount of time Round 1, then start Round 2


Post WOD fun (if desired):

CFR7 November Challenge WOD
A) Row 500 meter for time:
rest exactly 1:00
B) Max effort Plank on the elbows.
*No piking hips up, no sagging hips, and * no shaking arms out.

GET EXCITED – we are moving on to bigger and better things! Officially announcing the move to CFR7 2.0 next week!! Thank you for your patience while our amazing new permanent space was under construction. The time is finally here to make the move into our new space but we need your help. The WOD for next Friday and Saturday (December 18&19) have been programmed…a unique opportunity to pick up heavy things and put them down…”Moving WOD.” On Friday, we will maintain our regular WOD schedule for you to come in and provide an hour of your time to help us move equipment and rubber mats into your new home.
In addition, Saturday, December 19th we are asking for you to come help move during a 2 hour block of your choice. Any extra time that you provide will be greatly appreciated. Our goal is to get everything in place so that Monday, December 21st is your first WOD in the box you have been waiting for.
Saturday Moving Blocks:
This is your community family. Let’s build it together (helping us move does not count against your 13 classes)!
Thanks a bunch in advance!!

EMOM 10:
2 Back Squats ~85%
10 [squat] Cleans 115/80
50 Double Unders
FX: 95/65
GET EXCITED – we are moving on to bigger and better things! Officially announcing the move to CFR7 2.0 next week!! Thank you for your patience while our amazing new permanent space was under construction. The time is finally here to make the move into our new space but we need your help. The WOD for next Friday and Saturday (December 18&19) have been programmed…a unique opportunity to pick up heavy things and put them down…”Moving WOD.” On Friday, we will maintain our regular WOD schedule for you to come in and provide an hour of your time to help us move equipment and rubber mats into your new home.
In addition, Saturday, December 19th we are asking for you to come help move during a 2 hour block of your choice. Any extra time that you provide will be greatly appreciated. Our goal is to get everything in place so that Monday, December 21st is your first WOD in the box you have been waiting for. 
Saturday Moving Blocks:
This is your community family. Let’s build it together (helping us move does not count against your 13 classes)!
Thanks a bunch in advance!!

3 Sets of:
1) 3/1 Strict HSPU + 6/4 Kipping
2) 15 Hollow Rocks
3) 21
GHD Hip extension
FX: 1 abmat, Barbell Good Mornings
* Not for time: 18 Minutes

Rotating Tabata (rotate to next movement each time):
Games Standard Box Jumps Rx: 32/24 Fx: 24/20
ABMAT Sit-ups
KB SDHP Rx: 32/24 Fx: 24/16



***Reminder: Schedule change (effective December 7, 2015): 7:30am WOD will be available on Monday,Wednesdayand Friday.***


5 x 3 (A; from the floor)

20 Deadlifts 135/95
10 Pull ups
15 Deadlifts 185/135
10 Pull ups
10 Deadlifts 225/155
10 Pull ups
5 Deadlifts 275/185
ME Pull ups
Score is Total reps. 

***Reminder: Schedule change (effective December 7, 2015): 7:30am WOD will be available on Monday, Wednesdayand Friday.***

CrossFit Route 7 community in full affect this weekend. Congratulations and a job well done to all the competitors that represented our box at SuperFit Lorton. Thank you to all of the support and love from everyone that came out to cheer for these athletes. I have a feeling this is just the beginning!

Group Pic


EMOM 14:
Evens: 1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch (full for both) – as heavy as possible but goal is not to miss a lift
Odds: 5-7 Weighted Ring Dips

For Time:
20 Box Step ups (24/20) holding one KB (24/16)
20 Burpees
20 Air Squats
15 Box Step ups (24/20) holding one KB (24/16)
15 Burpees
15 Air Squats
10 Box Step ups (24/20) holding one KB (24/16)
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
5 Box Step ups (24/20) holding one KB (24/16)
5 Burpees
5 Air Squats

Rx+ option: Swap in Goblet Squats for Air Squats

1 673 674 675 676 677 742

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