WOD / Events

New Year Schedule: Class Additions
7:30 pm WOD: Monday and Tuesday
1130 Comp Train: Saturday
4:30 pm WOD: Sunday
5:45 pm Yoga: Sundays (We have mats but members are encouraged to bring their own if possible)
***ALL classes are subject to a minimum average of 5 attendees per class***


Rope Climb Technique:
RX: 4 x 1 Legless, 2 climbs
FX: 12 Climbs for time

Team Wod: Teams of 3 Conga line Style:
50 Cal Row
40 Deadlifts 155/105 Fx: 135/95
30 T2B
20 C2B Pull ups Fx:Pull ups
10 HSPU, Ladies 1 abmat
Then Together: 300 Double Under cash out (total)
Athletes can not pass the person in front of them

Happy New Year!

Friday 1/1: 4 pm Only
Saturday: Business as usual


15 Minutes to Find Snatch Triple (Not Touch and Go)
then, 3 x 8 Front Squat of Snatch Triple (from the floor)
Rest exactly :90 between sets

50-40-30-20-10 of:
WBS 20/14
Sit ups

New Year Schedule:
Thursday 12/31: 0530, 0630, and 1200
Friday 1/1: 4 pm Only
Saturday: Business as usual


Handstand Walk Pracitce: RX: 200 ft. For time FX: 100 ft. for time

For Time:
100 double under buy in:
5 Rounds of:
10 Deadlifts 145/100, FX: 115/80
10 Back Squats 145/100, FX: 115/80
10 HR Push ups
100 double under Cash out.

New Year Schedule:
Thursday 12/31: 0530, 0630, and 1200
Friday 1/1: 4 pm Only
Saturday: Business as usual


EMOM 10:
2 Cleans (full) + 1 Split Jerk (A)

3 x 500m row
Rest 2:00 between efforts.
Score: Slowest Time

New Year Schedule:
Thursday 12/31: 0530, 0630, and 1200
Friday 1/1: 4 pm Only
Saturday: Business as usual


Bench Press 4 x 6 (A)
Band Tricep Extension 4 x 10-12

4 Rounds for time:
15 OHS 135/95
15 Box Jumps 30/24
RX+: 155/105, FX: 95/65
FX: 24/20

1 669 670 671 672 673 742

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