WOD / Events

Jordan is back to provide another soft tissue treatment session for you athletes that are feeling a little banged up. She will be treating 6 people Thursday, January 28 from 6:30 pm -7:30pm . First come first serve, so please reserve your spot online.  Reservation is open on the Crossfitroute7.com/schedule page. Spaces are still available.


Strict Press
5 x 7

20 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 FX:75/55
10 Burpees to Plate 2″
20 Push Press 95/65 FX: 75/55
10 Burpees to Plate 2″
*Hips must extend on plate

****Tuesday: No AM Classes. Classes will begin at Noon.
If you would like to WOD at BCF feel free, parking may be difficult.****


Jordan is back to provide another soft tissue treatment session for you athletes that are feeling a little banged up. She will be treating 6 people Thursday, January 28 from 6:30 pm -7:30pm . First come first serve, so please reserve your spot online.  Reservation is open on the Crossfitroute7.com/schedule page. Spaces are still available.


Back Squat
7 x 3 @ 85%

2 Rounds
1:00 Max Thrusters 135/95, FX:95/65
1:00 Max C2B Pull ups FX: Pull ups
1:00 Max Power Snatches 135/95, FX:95/65
1:00 Max Box Jump Overs 24/20, FX:feet touch top

***Schedule Update: All evening classes tonight and foundations are canceled.
Tuesday: No AM Classes. Classes will begin at Noon.
If you would like to WOD at BCF feel free, parking may be difficult.****


12 mins to Find a 2 RM Max Height Box Jump

3 X 1000m Row Sprints
rest 1:1
*score it slowest time

Snow Day Schedule: Closed

Saturday/Sunday: No Wods

All CFR7 members can workout at BCF if travel permits. Please be careful. To view BCF schedule click here: Continue to watch WOD page and Facebook for changes.


Snow Day Schedule:

Friday: No Evening Classes (5:30pm, 6:30pm), Competitors Training at 9:30am.

Saturday/Sunday: No Wods

All CFR7 members can workout at BCF if travel permits. Please be careful. To view BCF schedule click here: Continue to watch WOD page and Facebook for changes.


5 Shoulder to overhead115/75
10 Deadlift 115/75
15 Box jumps 24/20
*Masters 55+
95/55, 20″ Box Jumps for both

*Athletes Judge Each other

Isometric holds

RX: 5 x :20-:30 Hanging l-sit hold or Parallets
FX: 3 x :45-1:00 Plank hold on elbows

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