Monday, May 23, 2016
Tuesday, May 24th, Bring a friend to any Wod all day! Give your friend and family the chance to see how we do things at CrossFit Route 7. Join us for the 21 Guns Wod, a short but sweet WOD, all exercises are scalable to your ability level. Main event with RWB at 6:30 pm. About RWB and 21 Guns Wod
5/3/1 Schedule
Monday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Strict Press
Friday Back Squat
Sunday: Deadlift
MEAT HEAD MONDAY! Wear your best gym rat gear and Bro out! The brighter the better.
Fitness & performance:
Bench press, 5×3 (ME) or 5/3/1 format, 3@70%, 3@80 and 3+ @90%
Strict pull-ups, 4 sets of burnouts (feel free to go weighted)
4 rounds:
Burnout bicep curls (any form)
Burnout banded tricep pulldown
Ab finisher
Optional finisher: 5k run