WOD / Events

Power clean
3×3 (A @ heaviest weight possible, not Touch and go)

3 rounds, 1 minute on each station:
Games Std Box Jumps 24/20
Power clean 115/80
Plank holds (counts as 15 reps if full minute is completed)
Wall Balls 20/14

WEEK 3 OF THE CROSSFIT OPEN SEASON! Open WODS will be performed for the next 5 weeks at CFR7 on Fridays, and on Saturdays at BCF. ========================================

Sunday “Open” open gym time is from 2-3:30 pm with Coach Marcus CFR7 Sunday “Open” open gym schedule.


Please remember to reserve for the larger classes (1730 and 1830). It is coaches discretion to add people or ask the athlete to attend a later class. All Week day classes are a 17 athlete Cap. To help you put, don’t forget to download the Zen Planner App.  Save the 10’s!

You will now be able to do the following from the app:
  • Reserve a class, add yourself to a waitlist and cancel your reservation
  • View all class information, including: Name, Description & Spaces Remaining
  • View Instructor Pictures
  • View “Who’s Coming” to classes
Click on the icons below to view the Zen Planner app in the iTunes or Google Play store.  If you have any questions concerning the app, you can access the help documentation here.
We hope you enjoy the app!



Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 75/55
3 bar muscle-ups

Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
10 power snatches 45/35
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

The scoring for this workout includes a tiebreak. At the end of each round, time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the elapsed time at which you completed your last full round. In the case where 2 athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher.

Note: All tiebreak times must be reported in elapsed time, not in time remaining. If you are using a countdown timer, you must convert to elapsed time before reporting your score. For this reason, it is recommended you set your clock to count up.

Please Review official rules here: http://games.crossfit.com/workouts/the-open#tabs-3

Front Squat 3 x 10 AHAP

Ready to see what pain tomorrow brings?! Watch tonight at 7:45 pm on games.crossfit.com for Open WOD 16.3


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


Please remember to reserve for the larger classes (1730 and 1830). All Week day classes are a 17 athlete Cap. To help you put, don’t forget to download the Zen Planner App.  Save the 10’s!

You will now be able to do the following from the app:
  • Reserve a class, add yourself to a waitlist and cancel your reservation
  • View all class information, including: Name, Description & Spaces Remaining
  • View Instructor Pictures
  • View “Who’s Coming” to classes
Click on the icons below to view the Zen Planner app in the iTunes or Google Play store.  If you have any questions concerning the app, you can access the help documentation here.
We hope you enjoy the app!


EMOM 10:
2 Bench Press at 85% of 1 RM

For time:
800 Meter Run
50 Russian KBS (24/16)
600M Run
50 Russian KBS (24/16)
400M Run
50 Russian KBS (24/16)
200m Run


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


Deadlift Box Jump Combo
5 Sets of:
3 Deadlifts @ 85%
6 Box Jumps 30/24, 24/20
Rest 2:00

EMOM 20:
Odd: 15/12 Cal Row
Even: 5 Shoulder to overhead @ 70-75%

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


“Muscle Ups:
RX: 30 muscle-ups for time
FX: muscle up technique
FX can choose to do pull-ups for time (choose a challenging number) if desired

6 Rounds For time:
6 Thrusters 135/95, FX: 95/65
6 Overhead squats 135/95, FX: 95/65
Run 200m


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