Friday, July 8, 2016


Friday, July 8, 2016

Yoga is cancelled for Sunday, July 10th. Please feel free to do Yoga at BCF!


Black & Red Barbell Club’s coach and competitive athlete John Bova will be hosting two weightlifting “mini camps” at Ballston CrossFit intended to increase speed and efficiency in the snatch and clean & jerk.  Each “mini camp” will be comprised of two 2-hour classes, which will include a weightlifting-specific dynamic warm-up, 90 minutes of hands-on instruction covering accessory and positional work, and a cool down.  The “mini camps” will be capped at 8 athletes and held on the following dates:

Mini Camp #2 ($60)
Sunday, July 10, 1:00pm-3:00pm / Snatch
Saturday, July 16, 1:00pm-3:00pm / C&J



Is something holding you back from a better overhead position or do you need to manage tightness? Dr. Justin and Clarissa from Airrosti will be guiding you though a mobility clinic to help. This will take place between the 5:30: pm and 6:30 pm WOD starting at 5:45pm, so everyone will get a chance to train and improve their Range of Motion.

If you plan to attend either WOD please reserve here for the clinic



*Working Sets start at 70% (not touch and go)

Partner WOD: AMRAP 16:
10 Bear Complex 155/105, FX: 115/80
15 HSPU 4″/2″, Fx: games std/1 abmat
20 Box Jumps
*No Clusters