Sunday, July 10, 2016
Yoga is cancelled for Sunday, July 10th. Please feel free to do Yoga at BCF!
Is something holding you back from a better overhead position or do you need to manage tightness? Dr. Justin and Clarissa from Airrosti will be guiding you though a mobility clinic to help. This will take place between the 5:30: pm and 6:30 pm WOD, so everyone will get a chance to train and improve their Range of Motion.
If you plan to attend either WOD please reserve here for the clinic https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/CNEWOGZC69K
Turkish Get Ups:
3 x 8-10
*20 Hollow Rocks between sets
Even: 8 Barfacing Burpees
Odd: 1 Power Snatch + 2 Hang Power (low or High) ~75%