WOD / Events

Yoga with Claire at 5:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Join us Sunday, June 12, at 1:00pm for a Free Running and Pacing Clinic. Improve your running technique and learn how to properly pace yourself! Coach Tucker and BCF member Meg Capasso will lead the session atW&L track. Meg frequently places on the podium of running races and possesses a wealth of knowledge– an asset to all of us! Recent placements include 1st place female for Dionysus Dash 5k and 3rd place female in the Fit Foodie 5k.

Washington & Lee Location


Bench Press
5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85%
*When you start a new four-week cycle, add 5 pounds to your 1RMs for bench and shoulder presses and 10 pounds for squats and deadlifts, and recalculate training weights using the new numbers.

EMOM 12:
ODD: 3 Fronts Squats from the floor AHAP
Even: 30 Double Unders


Come out and show your support for all the teams from CFR7 and BCF competing at Flex on the Mall on Saturday, June 11. No WOD Saturday June 11. Open gym from 1000-1100. Feel free to workout at BCF on Saturday.

The Original 4
Sour Snatch Kids
EMOM, The Meatloaf
Squatted from the bottom now we here


Join us Sunday, June 12, at 1:00pm for a Free Running and Pacing Clinic. Improve your running technique and learn how to properly pace yourself! Coach Tucker and BCF member Meg Capasso will lead the session atW&L track. Meg frequently places on the podium of running races and possesses a wealth of knowledge– an asset to all of us! Recent placements include 1st place female for Dionysus Dash 5k and 3rd place female in the Fit Foodie 5k.

Washington & Lee Location


Rope CIimb Technique 10 minutes
Clean and Jerk Technique


For time:
30 Clean and jerk 135/95
Run 1 mile
15 foot Rope climb, 10 ascents
Run 1 mile
100 Burpees
* Compare to 5/20/2015

Come out and show your support for all the teams from CFR7 and BCF competing at Flex on the Mall on Saturday, June 11. No WOD Saturday June 11. Open gym from 1000-1100. Feel free to workout at BCF on Saturday.

The Original 4
Sour Snatch Kids
EMOM, The Meatloaf
Squatted from the bottom now we here


Join us Sunday, June 12, at 1:00pm for a Free Running and Pacing Clinic. Improve your running technique and learn how to properly pace yourself! Coach Tucker and BCF member Meg Capasso will lead the session atW&L track. Meg frequently places on the podium of running races and possesses a wealth of knowledge– an asset to all of us! Recent placements include 1st place female for Dionysus Dash 5k and 3rd place female in the Fit Foodie 5k.

Washington & Lee Location


5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85%
*When you start a new four-week cycle, add 5 pounds to your 1RMs for bench and shoulder presses and 10 pounds for squats and deadlifts, and recalculate training weights using the new numbers.

3 Rounds for time:
15 Box Jumps 30/24, 24/20 (32/24 BCF

Come out and show your support for all the teams from CFR7 and BCF competing at Flex on the Mall on Saturday, June 11. No WOD Saturday June 11. Open gym from 1000-1100. Feel free to workout at BCF on Saturday.

The Original 4
Sour Snatch Kids
EMOM, The Meatloaf
Squatted from the bottom now we here


Join us Sunday, June 12, at 1:00pm for a Free Running and Pacing Clinic. Improve your running technique and learn how to properly pace yourself! Coach Tucker and BCF member Meg Capasso will lead the session atW&L track. Meg frequently places on the podium of running races and possesses a wealth of knowledge– an asset to all of us! Recent placements include 1st place female for Dionysus Dash 5k and 3rd place female in the Fit Foodie 5k.

Washington & Lee Location


“Strict Press
5 x 65%, 75% and 5+ x 85%
*When you start a new four-week cycle, add 5 pounds to your 1RMs for bench and shoulder presses and 10 pounds for squats and deadlifts, and recalculate training weights using the new numbers.

Partner WOD
For Time:
Row Calories
Abmat Situps
*One person works at a time
*5 burpee penalty for both partners every switch during a movement

Come out and show your support for all the teams from CFR7 and BCF competing at Flex on the Mall on Saturday, June 11. No WOD Saturday June 11. Open gym from 1000-1100. Feel free to workout at BCF on Saturday.


Join us Sunday, June 12, at 1:00pm for a Free Running and Pacing Clinic. Improve your running technique and learn how to properly pace yourself! Coach Tucker and BCF member Meg Capasso will lead the session atW&L track. Meg frequently places on the podium of running races and possesses a wealth of knowledge– an asset to all of us! Recent placements include 1st place female for Dionysus Dash 5k and 3rd place female in the Fit Foodie 5k.

Washington & Lee Location


5 x 2 (ME)
Touch and Go Power Clean

4 Rounds for Time:
25 WBS 20/14
7 Muscle ups, FX C2B Pull ups

Push Up Finisher:
100 RX
50 FX

1 630 631 632 633 634 735

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