WOD / Events

Today!! It’s that time again. We get a chance to WOD hard and eat meat! Come out before the Nat’s Game for the CrossFit Route 7 WOD. Then lets share our favorite dishes, brews and light up the grill. BYOM, the M is for meat. ***I JUST BOUGHT 2 SPIKE BALL SETS***
Lets not forget our guest from lululemon Tyson’s providing trunk show. Bring some money for savings on great athletic clothing.


NATS game tonight! If you did not purchase a ticket with the group, no worries! We do not plan on spending much/any time at our seats so you can buy your own ticket and meet us there 🙂  If you purchased tickets, you can get them at the Bullpen between 6-6:40pm or at Will Call between 6:45-7pm. If you’re after 7pm then your ticket will be under Will Call.

This promises to be an amazing time with our awesome box communities! RSVP on Facebook and coordinate transportation!

We will be sitting in the scoreboard pavilion area (and hanging at that bar).

Where: Nationals Stadium
What: BCF & CFR7 Nationals Game
When: Saturday, July 16, 7:05-10:05 pm

4 x 8 Chin Ups
4 x 8 Ring Dips

2nd Annual CFR7 Wod and Potluck
7 Deadlifts 115/75
7 Pull Ups
7 Hang Power Cleans 115/75
7 Bar Facing Burpees

7 Deadlifts 95/65
7 Ring Rows
7 Hang Power Cleans 95/65
7 Bar Facing Burpees



Saturday, July 16 at 1000: It’s that time again. We get a chance to WOD hard and eat meat! Come out before the Nat’s Game for the CrossFit Route 7 WOD. Then lets share our favorite dishes, brews and light up the grill. BYOM, the M is for meat. ***I JUST BOUGHT 2 SPIKE BALL SETS***
Lets not forget our guest from lululemon Tyson’s providing trunk show. Bring some money for savings on great athletic clothing.


NATS game tomorrow night! If you did not purchase a ticket with the group, no worries! We do not plan on spending much/any time at our seats so you can buy your own ticket and meet us there 🙂  If you purchased tickets, you can get them at the Bullpen between 6-6:40pm or at Will Call between 6:45-7pm. If you’re after 7pm then your ticket will be under Will Call.

This promises to be an amazing time with our awesome box communities! RSVP on Facebook and coordinate transportation!

We will be sitting in the scoreboard pavilion area (and hanging at that bar).

Where: Nationals Stadium
What: BCF & CFR7 Nationals Game
When: Saturday, July 16, 7:05-10:05 pm

5 x 6
*5-10 heavier than last week

Overhead Squat 135/95 Fx: 95/65
T2B Fx: Hanging Knee raises

Saturday, July 16 at 1000: It’s that time again. We get a chance to WOD hard and eat meat! Come out before the Nat’s Game for the CrossFit Route 7 WOD. Then lets share our favorite dishes, brews and light up the grill. BYOM, the M is for meat. ***I JUST BOUGHT 2 SPIKE BALL SETS***
Lets not forget our guest from lululemon Tyson’s providing trunk show. Bring some money for savings on great athletic clothing.

*Working Sets start at 80%

Partner WOD: AMRAP 15
Partner 1: 200 m Farmers Carry 24/16
Partner 2: 20 Pistols
20 Hang Power Cleans 115/80

Saturday, July 16 at 1000: It’s that time again. We get a chance to WOD hard and eat meat! Come out before the Nat’s Game for the CrossFit Route 7 WOD. Then lets share our favorite dishes, brews and light up the grill. BYOM, the M is for meat. ***I JUST BOUGHT 2 SPIKE BALL SETS***
Lets not forget our guest from lululemon Tyson’s providing trunk show. Bring some money for savings on great athletic clothing.
Push Jerk
5 x 3 (A)
*Working Sets start at 70%
3 rounds of:
15 Thrusters 95/65
15 Pull ups

Free CrossFit for runners class tonight at 6:30 pm. Bring a friend, tell a friend and run with a friend. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:

Additional Info: https://potomacriverrunning.com/event/crossfit-workout-for-runners-at-crossfit-route-7/?instance_id=26859


Is something holding you back from a better overhead position or do you need to manage tightness? Dr. Justin and Clarissa from Airrosti will be guiding you though a mobility clinic to help. This will take place between the 5:30: pm and 6:30 pm WOD, so everyone will get a chance to train and improve their Range of Motion.

If you plan to attend either WOD please reserve here for the clinic https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/CNEWOGZC69K


Rope Climb Technique:
*wear long socks

Officer David S. Moore, 29, of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department, died on January 26, 2011 from gunshot wounds suffered on January 23, 2011 when he stopped a stolen vehicle and the driver opened fire at him. He is survived by his mother Jo Ann, father Spencer, and sister Carol Bongfeldt.

1 Rope Climb
400 m Run

1 630 631 632 633 634 742

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