WOD / Events

Greetings R7 family. Per your survey request we are excited to bring you 3 new classes for your training schedule.

WOD: Wednesday 7:30 pm (effective Sept 7)

Skills Clinic: Thursday 7:30pm (every other week effective September 8)

WOD: Friday 4:30 pm (effective Sept 9)

These are on a trial bases for the month of September. We are asking for at least 5-8 students per class in order to keep these classes (and possibly add more in the future). This also applies to our yoga program — our Yoga participation has been disappointingly low with 1-3 attendees despite the request for an earlier time by the majority of the community.

We are trying to grow our services we offer the community, please take advantage of these so we can sustain them!


On Facebook but not apart of the Seven Up group page? Friend coach or athletes and request and invite or request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CFR7SEVENUP/members/


Free Double Under Clinic September 3rd at 0915!


5 Pull up
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
*Compare 6/17/14

Rope Climb Technique
RX: EMOM 8 , 1 Legless + 5 burpees
FX: EMOM 8, 1 ascent + 5 burpees

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


On Facebook but not apart of the Seven Up group page? Friend coach or athletes and request and invite or request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CFR7SEVENUP/members/


Free Double Under Clinic September 3rd at 0915!


 Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Thrusters
Tuesday: Deadlifts
Wednesday: Cindy
Thursday: Low Hang Snatches
Friday: Hero “Bulger”
Saturday: Bench Press
Sunday: Back Squat

Labor Day Weekend Schedule:
Friday: Regular schedule
Saturday: 10am WOD, 11am Open Gym

Sunday: No Classes

Monday: 10am WOD (BJ and Marcus)


Deadlift Singles
4 X 3 at 80% of 3RM
*athletes must ride the bar back to the ground and reset grip and pulling position each rep

Kettlebell Swings 24/16
ABMAT sit-ups
5 burpee penalty any time you put down the KB or stop constant movements on sit-ups
RX+ option: 32/24

This metcon is designed to be SHORT and FAST so you’re fresh for Cindy

Finisher auxiliary work – 3 Supersets:
10 DB Curl (ME)
Barbell Glute Bridges (ME)

On Facebook but not apart of the Seven Up group page? Friend coach or athletes and request and invite or request here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CFR7SEVENUP/members/


Free Double Under Clinic September 3rd at 0915!


Find heavy triple from the floor

SuperFit Richmond Partner Wod 3:
3 Rounds for time:
40 WBS 20/14
30 Box Jumps 24/20
20 HSPU 4″ deficit, FX: HR Push Ups
*15:00 CAP

Yoga is cancelled for the following Sundays August 28 and September 4. CFR7 members are welcome to attend Yoga at BCF!


Low Hang Clean* (squat) 5×2
*Working Sets start at 75%

*cannot drop barbell between reps

Burpees over bar
Pistols Fx: Candle Sticks
Push Press 95/65

Yoga is cancelled for the following Sundays August 28 and September 4. CFR7 members are welcome to attend Yoga at BCF!


Lets do this! the 4th annual AM vs. PM Throwdown and BBQ is today! Free food (and it’s incredible!), cheer for your friends and compete in the first corn hole tournament! Afterwards head over to Tyson’s Biergarten for the after party.



Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall.

For time:
10 HSPU’s
15 Deadlifts (250/175)
25 box jumps (30/24)
50 pull-ups
100 wall balls (20/14) – men shoot to 10′, women shoot to 9′
200 double unders
400m run carrying a plate (45/25) – use a plate off your DL bar”

*Compare to July 4, 2013

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