WOD / Events

Saturday, October 15th at 12 pm: Mobility Clinic with Coach Marcus


Saturday, October 15th at 2! Get excited BCF/CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 5th annual BCF/CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition! CFR7 will be hosting the competition! Bring some beers and friends and support our community!



Back Squat
20:00 to find a heavy double

3 rounds:
18 Deadlifts 155/105
12 T2B
6 Strict HSPU Fx:Kipping HSPU


S01 (SEAL) Jason Dale Lewis was killed by an IED while conducting combat operations in Southern Baghdad July 6, 2007. We name this workout “Jason” in honor of his life, family, and courage. Donna, Jack, Max, and Grace, we’ll forget neither your husband and father nor your sacrifice and loss. Fair winds, Jason.

Hero Wod Jason:
For Time:
100 Air Squats
5 Muscle Ups
75 Air Squats
10 Muscle Ups
50 Air Squats
15 Muscle Ups
25 Air Squats
20 Muscle ups
FX: Pull ups
Compare: 12/24/2015

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Overhead Squat
5 x 3 (A)

10 Power Snatches 115/80 Fx: 95/65
20 Abmat sit ups
30 ft HS Walk Fx: 15 Shoulder taps (wall facing)

18:00 to find 1 RM

3 Rounds for time:
25/21 Cal Row,  Fx: 20/17
15/12 strict Pull Ups,  Fx:10
50 Double unders, Fx: 30
15/12 Strict ring dips, Fx:10
*RX+ use Muscle up rings dips

Kipping Pull Up Technique
Rx: 50 Pull ups for time

AMRAP 3 x 3
30 KB SDHP 32/24, Fx:24/16
20 Push Press 115/80, Fx: 95/55 (Rx+135/95)
Max 10 M Shuttles
:90 rest between Amraps

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