WOD / Events

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Paving Project Schedule changes:
-Tuesday, November 8, NO NOON WOD
-Thursday, November 10, NO WODS ALL DAY
*Athletes are welcome and encouraged to train at BCF
November Attendance Challenge: Show us who can get the most WODs in for the month of November and win a Free month of membership for January 2017. Please ensure check ins are accurate. There is only one rule and way to win: Workout more than anyone else this month (if there are ties, Oct attendance will be used as a tiebreaker)!
New Morning Schedule effective November 7th: We want to boost the energy, excitement, support and competition of all Classes. We will be testing the AM schedule for the next 2 months to assess the attendance of shifting the WOD times to 0600 and 0700 Monday through Friday. We solicited feedback from regular morning attendees and the vast majority supported this change in schedule.
EMOM 10:
1 High Hang Snatch (Hip.pocket) + Low Hang Snacth (knees) (A)
*Squat it! UB
Front Squat 165/110, Fx: 135/95
Toes 2 Bar

FREE for ALL BootCamp and Yoga! Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm at CFR7

Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a complimentary workout combining fast-paced conditioning, body weight strength training, and yoga!


Greetings CF Route 7 Community,
We have a lot of things in store for the winter. Thank you in advance for taking time out to read.
November Attendance Challenge: Show us who can get the most WODs in for the month of November and win a Free month of membership for January 2017. Please ensure check ins are accurate. There is only one rule and way to win: Workout more than anyone else this month (if there are ties, Oct attendance will be used as a tiebreaker)!
New Morning Schedule effective November 7th: We want to boost the energy, excitement, support and competition of all Classes. We will be testing the AM schedule for the next 2 months to assess the attendance of shifting the WOD times to 0600 and 0700 Monday through Friday. We solicited feedback from regular morning attendees and the vast majority supported this change in schedule.
Welcome and support our Interns transitioning into Coaching roles: Members Crystal Edenl and Alicia Wiker will be developing their coaching skills in our 1930 class times. We feel that these classes will support their ability to grow and build confidence due to the lower attendance of these classes. Please be supportive and constructive, it ain’t easy being the new kid on the block.
Sunday WOD and Yoga: Coach Claire Reynolds‘s schedule will no longer allow her to coach these classes. We are transitioning our intern Coaches into the Sunday slot and interviewing new Yoga instructors. We hope to not have any interruption to the Yoga classes but there may be a possibility of some canceled sessions. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the understanding in advance.
3 Rounds: :45 on, :15
Station 1: Row Cals
Station 2: Russian Med Ball Twists 14/10
Station 3: Double Unders
Station 4: Ball slams
*Rotating Stations
5 Muscle ups
10 Burpees to Plate
20 steps OH Walking Lunges 45/25

10 Burpees to Plate
15 Pull ups
20 steps OH Walking Lunges Fx: 25/15

8:00 Max HS Walk Practice

Nutrition Seminar! Tuesday, November 1st 6:30pm at BCF

Should you Paleo? What about Macros & Calories? – Join us on November 1st @ 6:30pm as we discuss the 2 major approaches to Nutrition – Diets & Macros – and how you might want to consider upgrading your thought process when it comes to your nutrition.


FREE for ALL BootCamp and Yoga! Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm at CFR7

Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a complimentary workout combining fast-paced conditioning, body weight strength training, and yoga!


Greetings CF Route 7 Community,
We have a lot of things in store for the winter. Thank you in advance for taking time out to read.
November Attendance Challenge: Show us who can get the most WODs in for the month of November and win a Free month of membership for January 2017. Please ensure check ins are accurate. There is only one rule and way to win: Workout more than anyone else this month (if there are ties, Oct attendance will be used as a tiebreaker)!
New Morning Schedule effective November 7th: We want to boost the energy, excitement, support and competition of all Classes. We will be testing the AM schedule for the next 2 months to assess the attendance of shifting the WOD times to 0600 and 0700 Monday through Friday. We solicited feedback from regular morning attendees and the vast majority supported this change in schedule.
Welcome and support our Interns transitioning into Coaching roles: Members Crystal Edenl and Alicia Wiker will be developing their coaching skills in our 1930 class times. We feel that these classes will support their ability to grow and build confidence due to the lower attendance of these classes. Please be supportive and constructive, it ain’t easy being the new kid on the block.
Sunday WOD and Yoga: Coach Claire Reynolds‘s schedule will no longer allow her to coach these classes. We are transitioning our intern Coaches into the Sunday slot and interviewing new Yoga instructors. We hope to not have any interruption to the Yoga classes but there may be a possibility of some canceled sessions. We are sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the understanding in advance.

3 Deadlifts at 90-95% of 3RM

4 Rounds for time:
25 Abmat sit ups
200m Suitcase Carry 24/16 (100L,100R)
15 Medball Cleans 20/14

100 Air squats for time

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.


Image result for Happy Halloween crossfit

Nutrition Seminar! Tuesday, November 1st 6:30pm at BCF

Should you Paleo? What about Macros & Calories? – Join us on November 1st @ 6:30pm as we discuss the 2 major approaches to Nutrition – Diets & Macros – and how you might want to consider upgrading your thought process when it comes to your nutrition.


FREE for ALL BootCamp and Yoga! Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm at CFR7

Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a complimentary workout combining fast-paced conditioning, body weight strength training, and yoga!



21-15-9 reps of:
Power Clean 135/95
Ring dips
10:00 Cap

Rest exactly 3:00, then:

Squat Cleans 135/95
HR Push ups
7:00 Cap
*Record both WOD times:

Rest exactly 3:00, then:

Run 2 miles

Finisher: 50 T2B for time

Yoga with Claire at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/

Nutrition Seminar! Tuesday, November 1st 6:30pm at BCF

Should you Paleo? What about Macros & Calories? – Join us on November 1st @ 6:30pm as we discuss the 2 major approaches to Nutrition – Diets & Macros – and how you might want to consider upgrading your thought process when it comes to your nutrition.


FREE for ALL BootCamp and Yoga! Wednesday, November 2nd at 6:30pm at CFR7

Join us at CrossFit Route 7 for a complimentary workout combining fast-paced conditioning, body weight strength training, and yoga!


2 Front Squat:
*Heavier than 10/11

10 KB hang Power Cleans 24/16, Fx: 16/24
10 KB Push Press
10 Overhead KB lunge 24/16, Fx: 16/24

Muscle Up
1-2-3-4 to 8.
*Must reset betwen sets, the goal for top athletes is to end with 8 UB

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