WOD / Events

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $74.00. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Strength/Skill/Finisher Schedule:
Monday: Rope Climb/HSPU
Tuesday: Nancy/ Overhead Squats
Wednesday: Clean/ Push Up
Thursday: Strict Press/ Pull Up
Friday: Snatch
Saturday: Muscle Up/ HS Walk
Sunday: Deadlift


Remember to bring your tall socks today! It’s critical to get the proper rope climbing technique for efficient rope climbs – we have the 12 Days of Christmas WOD coming up in less than a month, and it’s an accomplishment to finish this WOD!

Great “J-hook” video with Matt Chan:

Rope Climb Technique
Rx: 12 Climbs for time
Fx: 8 Climbs for time

“The Gripper”
Kettlebell Swing 32/24, Fx: 24/16
Toes 2 Bar, Fx: Hangin Knee Raises
(72 total reps per movement)

Rx: 5 min Max HSPU
Fx: 5 min kipping HSPU technique

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $74.00. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule: Sunday: NO YOGA


KB Snatch Technique:
* Hang

Rx: 3 x 12 (A)

30 min with a partner:
10 muscle ups (ring or bar permitted) Fx chest to bar pull-ups
15 thrusters 135/95 Fx 115/80 Rx+ 165/115
20 box jumps 30/24 Fx 24/20
25 HR push ups Fx push ups
100 double unders

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $74.00. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule: Sunday: NO YOGA


Power Snatch:
00:00-15:00 Find a Heavy Single
15:00-16:30 Rest
16:30-18:00 ME Power Snatches at 80% of above

20 Pistols, Fx: Candle sticks
1 Rope Climb,
16 Pistols, Fx: Candle sticks
2 Rope Climbs
12 Pistols, Fx: Candle sticks
3 Rope Climbs
8 Pistols, Fx: Candle sticks
4 Rope Climbs
*Scale to KB Lunges if candlesticks are too difficult
**NO oly shoes permitted on the rope climbs

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/


5 x 5 (A)
*5-10# Heavier than last week

Row Cals
C2B Pull Ups: Fx: Pull Ups
KBS 32/24 Fx 24/16

Finisher: 30 x 2″ defiicit Srict HSPU

Fx: 30 HSPU

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Image result for crossfit thanksgiving


Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Thursday: 0900 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/


“The Pilgrimage”:
50 OHS 45/35
200m Plate Run 50/30
40 Front Squats 95/65
200m Plate Run 20/15
30 Shoulder to Overhead 115/80
200m Plate Run 20/15
20 Clean and Jerks 135/95
*Have Athletes have plates stage by their bar.

Finisher: Goat Work

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