WOD / Events

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/

Muscle up technique work

Open Wod 13.3
150 Wall balls 20/14
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups

150 Wall balls to 9′ target
90 Double-unders
30 C2B


GHD Sit ups
5 x 10
Rower Pike ups
4 x 10 (https://youtu.be/GxOAf5xN9-8)

*Athletes can perform abmat sit up as a scale

***INCLEMENT WEATHER/ICY CONDITIONS, 1000 WOD and Clinic Canceled.***

Members are welcome to train at BCF : view schedule http://ballstoncrossfit.com/schedule/




Congratulations to Zach and Nicole Kabetz on there wedding day. That Jamaica scenery is definitely making us jealous and we can’t wait to see you two when you return.



Kipping and butterfly pull up clinic, Saturday, December 17 at 1115:

Would you like learn how to maximize efficiency and technique with these dynamic pull up methods?  Coach BJ will lay down the foundation and progressions to improve cycling for high repetition wods and prep for the 2017 Open season. Bring your wraps and desire for fitness!

Reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/

Drop ins $10



A quote we live by is “you can’t out-train a bad diet.” To truly attain elite fitness, it’s imperative that your nutrition be as habitual & robust as your exercise routine.

[Nutrition + Exercise = Elite Fitness]

As a BCF & CFR7 member, we work hard to ensure your exercise programming is well-rounded and elite. For 2017, we’ve decided to hold the nutrition side of the equation to this same high-standard:

We are excited to announce our partnership with Elite Nutrition & Keep It Real Nutrition to provide you with a well-rounded range of nutrition coaching services and programs.

*Gift announcement*

To kick-things off in the new year, we will be launching an innovative nutrition workshop which is unlike any other nutritional approach we’ve seen.

We want 2017 to be a big step forward in your own fitness journeys, so we’ve decided to purchase 25 seats to this workshop which will be available to you first come, first serve.

There are 2 sessions – one at BCF & one at CFR7 – learn more and sign up here https://elitenutritionacademy.clickfunnels.com/webinar-registration10919341

*January 2017 Nutrition Challenge *

In January, we will also be launching a re-designed nutrition challenge…with a twist.

Unlike most nutrition challenges, we believe that changing every aspect of your nutrition all-at-once, coupled with an intense 30-day timeline, doesn’t lead to sustainable long-term results.

Why not leverage the motivation of a group competition with the effectiveness of nutrition coaching?

So, what does this look like? The best way to learn more is to attend our January nutrition workshop and/or stay tuned as we provide more information in the coming weeks.

Once again, here’s the sign-up link https://elitenutritionacademy.clickfunnels.com/webinar-registration10919341


Overhead Squat:
3 x 10 (A)

“Fight or Flight Simulator””
Double Unders
Deadlifts 165/110, Fx: 135/95
*Double Unders must be UB to move to the Deadlifts
*5 HR Burpee over Bar Penalty for Breaking up Deadlifts
15:00 Cap”

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Kipping and butterfly pull up clinic, Saturday, December 17 at 1115:

Would you like learn how to maximize efficiency and technique with these dynamic pull up methods?  Coach BJ will lay down the foundation and progressions to improve cycling for high repetition wods and prep for the 2017 Open season. Bring your wraps and desire for fitness!

Reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/

Drop ins $10


Superset Strength:
Bench Press 5 x 5
Barbell Row 5 x 5

Row 2K
~80% effort if not feeling optimal

100 Hollow Rocks

Image result for crossfit 12 days of christmas

For time:
1 clean & jerk (135/80)
2 muscle up transitions (x2)
3 handstand pushups (women to 1 abmat)
4 front squats (135/80)
5 ring dips
6 burpees
7 kettlebell swings, 24/16
8 box jumps, 24/20
9 wallball shots, 20/14
10 pull ups
11 shoulder to overhead (135/80)
12 rope climbs

For time:
1 clean & jerk (155/95)
2 muscle ups (ring or bar)
3 handstand pushups (guys to a 45lb negative)
4 front squats (155/95)
5 ring dips
6 burpees
7 kettlebell swings, 32/24
8 box jumps, 24/20
9 wallball shots, 20/14
10 chest to bar pull ups
11 shoulder to overhead (155/95)
12 rope climbs
*continue through the workout just as the song carries on (singing is optional)

Compare to 12/15/2015:

*Compare to 12/16/2014: https://www.facebook.com/ballstoncrossfit/photos/pb.294215720601971.-2207520000.1450061788./1035708609786008/?type=3&theater

NO CAP!! This workout can take an hour!

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