WOD / Events

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: Save $25 on your Foundations course after the WOD.


Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday: No 1930 WOD
Thursday: 0900 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/


Power Cleans:
00:00-15:00 Find a Heavy Single
15:00-16:30 Rest
16:30-18:00 ME Power Cleans at 80% of above

30 Double Unders
10m Hand Stand Walk
10 Deadlifts 185/125, Fx: 135/95

Finisher: 5 x 5 Muscle Ups w/Medball 10/6

FX: 6 x 3 Muscle ups

Free CrossFit Tuesday Night at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE: Save $25 on your Foundations course after the WOD.


Congratulations to Coach Nicole and Clay for receiving here CrossFit Level 2 training certificate and Coach Tucker and  Matt re certifying.


Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday: No 1930 WOD
Thursday: 0900 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: Back Squat
Tuesday: Power Clean/Muscle Ups
Wednesday: Bench Press/ Row and Accessory
Thursday: WOD
Friday: Deadlfit/ HSPU
Saturday: Power Snatch
Sunday: KB Snatch/Partner WOD


Back Squat:
3 x 7 (ME)
*Working Sets start at 83%

EMOM 12:
Min 1: 5 TNG Power Snatches 75% of 1RM
Min 2: 3 Rope Climbs
Min 3: 8 Burpees
*Rotating Stations

Yoga with Troy at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday: No 1930 WOD
Thursday: 0900 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve: https://crossfitroute7.com/schedule/


Turkish Get Ups
3 x 8 (4 each Side)

4 Rounds:
21 WBS 20/14
15 Box Jumps 24/20
9 T2B

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


5 x 5 Across

400m run
100 Double Unders
10 Muscle Ups
40 Kettlebell Swings* 32/24, Fx:24/16
10 Muscle Ups
100 Double Unders
400m run

*20 air squat penalty each time you stop constant movement on the KBS

Finisher: 100 Sit ups for time

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Your top 4 athletes of the November Attendance Challenge, after 18 days we have:
1st: Fan Y. with 15 WODS
2nd: Mike H. with 13 WODS
David M. with 13 WODS
4th: Tom “Ol Faithful” S. with 12 WODS
Remember, the winner gets their month of membership in January for FREE!

The management team would like to say outstanding job and thanks to Sehar Sohail for setting the example in the Spirit of CrossFit. Since coming out of Foundations in the Summer of 2015, Sehar has continued to grow. She arrives early and stays later to work on mobility and weaknesses. Tracks her progress in her workout log, frequents our Free skills and mobility clinics. and always has a positive attitude when she walks through the door. She works hard and challenges herself each wod and is always willing to try. The next time you see her, tell her great job and ask her about her custom CFR7 log book. Great Job Sehar!


Push Press:
5 x 3 (ME)

AMRAP 3 x 3
15 4″ deficit HSPU Fx: HSPU
200m run
25 WBS 20/14
2:00 Rest between AMRAPS
*Begin each AMRAP where left off.

2 Front Squat (ME)


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