WOD / Events

Bring a Friend Week! Putting health and fitness first yields outstanding results in all aspects of a persons life. So don’t be selfish, SHARE! Bring a friend all week and workout with our awesome community. No CrossFit experience needed. All WODs will be modified so you can train with buddy.


Push Press
3 x 5 (A: 80%)

Open Wod 13.2
5 Shoulder to OH 115/75
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Box Jumps 24/20
Masters/Scaled: 95/55, 20″ Box Jumps

5 Shoulder to OH 45/35
10 Deadlifts 45/35/ or KB
15 Box Jumps 20/16

Bring a Friend Week! Putting health and fitness first yields outstanding results in all aspects of a persons life. So don’t be selfish, SHARE! Bring a friend all week and workout with our awesome community. No CrossFit experience needed. All wods will be modified so you can train with buddy.


Bench Press
3 x 10 Across

Wall Balls* 20/14
Kettlebell Swings* 32/24, Fx: 24/16
abmat situps
*3 burpee penalty each time you break up a movement

Wall Balls 14/10
Kettlebell Swings 16/12
abmat situps

Tuesday, January 10th. 5:30pm only for evening classes. No 6:30pm or 7:30pm
Nutrition Kickoff at 6:30 pm


Bring a Friend Week! Putting health and fitness first yields outstanding results in all aspects of a persons life. So don’t be selfish, SHARE! Bring a friend all week and workout with our awesome community. No CrossFit experience needed. All wods will be modified so you can train with buddy.


20 Rep Schedule and adjustments

Week 1: 70% of 5RM

Week 2: 73-75%

Week 3: 76-80%

Week 4: 79-85%

Week 5: 82-90%

Week 6: 85-95%

Week 7: MAX Effort Attempt at 100%

Athletes can make the needed percentage increases weekly to hit their 20 reps. We are recommending a 3-5 percent increase each week. 70% is again the recommended start percentage, starting lower is okay as long as the intensity is there and goal is met. Ask Coach.

These 20 sets are intense both mentally and physically. Be aggressive, you could be under the bar for some time. If you overshoot your attempt and failed shy of 20 reps, Log it and Make the appropriate adjustment for next weeks squats. These adjustments were established based on a 2 day squat cycle with alternating squat types, as opposed to the 3 day/5# per day does not correlate well. We believe the athlete will still receive great strength increases and PR their 5 RM at the end of the cycle. Also, EAT and SLEEP. The next 24-36 hours is important after each session.


20 Rep Back Squat
(Week 1: starting at 70% of 5RM)

BAF Strength
Air Squat Technique
3 x 10 Back Squat


500 m Row
ME Burpees over rower (do not need to open hips) (BAF Burpees)

100 double Unders (BAF 150 Singles)
ME HSPU (BAF Push ups)
rest 1:00

25 Burpees
ME Ring Rows
rest 1:00

Accumulate 2:00 of a plank
ME 3 part renegade rows (L pull, R pull, push-up) 30/20 Fx: 20/15 BAF: no push-up (just rows)

Score = total reps of burpees, HSPU and ring rows

Coaches note: get people in groups of 4 and have them share equipment

Schedule Update:
Tuesday, January 10th. 5:30pm only for evening classes. No 6:30pm or 7:30pm
Nutrition Kickoff at 6:30 pm
4:30 Pm Friday WODS are cancelled.


Bring a Friend Week! Putting health and fitness first yields outstanding results in all aspects of a persons life. So don’t be selfish, SHARE! Bring a friend all week and workout with our awesome community. No CrossFit experience needed. All wods will be modified so you can train with buddy.


20 Rep Schedule and adjustments

Week 1: 70% of 5RM

Week 2: 73-75%

Week 3: 76-80%

Week 4: 79-85%

Week 5: 82-90%

Week 6: 85-95%

Week 7: MAX Effort Attempt at 100%

Athletes can make the needed percentage increases weekly to hit their 20 reps. We are recommending a 3-5 percent increase each week. 70% is again the recommended start percentage, starting lower is okay as long as the intensity is there and goal is met. Ask Coach.

These 20 sets are intense both mentally and physically. Be aggressive, you could be under the bar for some time. If you overshoot your attempt and failed shy of 20 reps, Log it and Make the appropriate adjustment for next weeks squats. These adjustments were established based on a 2 day squat cycle with alternating squat types, as opposed to the 3 day/5# per day does not correlate well. We believe the athlete will still receive great strength increases and PR their 5 RM at the end of the cycle. Also, EAT and SLEEP. The next 24-36 hours is important after each session.


Strength/Skill Schedule This Week

Monday: Pull-ups and Long MetCon
Tuesday: Back Squat
Wednesday: Bench Press
Thursday: Push Press
Friday: Front Squat
Saturday: Partner WOD
Sunday: Deadlifts


Kipping Pull up Technique
RX: 50 C2B Pull ups for time
FX: 50 Pull Ups for time
BAF: 50 banded pull-ups for time

20 Overhead Lunges (in place) 45/25, Fx:25/15 BAF: 15/10
15 Games Std. Box Jumps* 30/24 Fx: 24/20 BAF: 20/16
10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25, Fx:25/15 BAF: 15/10
5 Atomic Sit-ups 45/25, Fx:25/15 BAF: 15/10

*If necessary, share a box and run a 1 min stagger

150 Ft HS Walk for time
Fx: 75 ft.
BAF: Handstand hold

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Split Jerk (from Rack)
Find a Heavy Single


For Time:
30 Goblet Squats 24/16
10 KB Snatches (L) 24/16
10 KB Snatches (R) 24/16
60 M Shuttle
20 Goblet Squats 24/1610
KB Snatches (L) 24/16
10 KB Snatches (R) 24/16
60 M Shuttle
10 Goblet Squats 24/16
10 KB Snatches (L) 24/16
10 KB Snatches (R) 24/16
60 M Shuttle


Shoulder Mobility:
*Lacrosse ball Traps/ pecs
*Banded Bully Stretch

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