WOD / Events

Our site was hacked this morning. Our apologies for the inappropriate post displayed on our page earlier today. Thanks.


NO YOGA THIS SUNDAY. Sorry! Feel free to use ROMWOD for all your stretching needs.


EMOM 10:
Odds: 15/12 Cal Row
Evens: 10 Handstand Push up 4″/2″, Fx: Games standard/1 abmat

For Time:
2 rounds:
2 Rope Climbs
25 Box Jump overs 24/20 (feet touch box)
25 Ring Dips, Fx: Push ups
2 Rope Climbs
25 Goblet Squats 32/24, Fx:24/16
25 Pull ups, Fx: Jumping Pull ups

Free CrossFit Today at 11:30 am. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


NO YOGA THIS SUNDAY. Sorry! Feel free to use ROMWOD for all your stretching needs.


Muscle Up Technique
Rx: 30 for time
FX: 15 for time
RX+ 10 Strict + 20 Kipping

200m row
20 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
15 Thrusters 95/65 Fx: 75/55
10 Burpees
*5 burpee penalty for breaking up kettlebell or thruster sets

Accumulate a 3:00 Free standing Handstand Hold

Fx: Partner Hold

NO YOGA THIS SUNDAY. Sorry! Feel free to use ROMWOD for all your stretching needs.


20 Rep Front Squat
(Week 4: 79-85% from 5RM)

EMOM 10:
1 Snatch
*Starting at 80%, Increase weight after each SUCCESSFUL lift.




CrossFit Route 7 is excited to join Run the World to provide strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level.   Cross-Training workouts will be on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at CrossFit Route 7.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Kick-off is Thursday, February 2nd! Come ready to take your running to the next level.  These sessions will be comprised of Interval training, Strength training, dynamic/explosive drills and technique.

This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


Open WOD 14.4:
60 cal Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Wall Ball shots 20/14
30 Power Cleans 135/95
20 Muscle Ups

Scaled/Masters 55+:
60 cal Row
50 Hanging Knee Raises
40 Wall Ball shots 20/14
30 Power Cleans 95/65
20 Pull Ups

Athletes partner up and judge each other (run 2 heats)

100 push ups fortime

Then handstand walking practice or mobility with the remainder of the time



CrossFit Route 7 is excited to join Run the World to provide strength and conditioning to take their running to the next level.   Cross-Training workouts will be on the first Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at CrossFit Route 7.  MARK YOUR CALENDARS!

Kick-off is Thursday, February 2nd! Come ready to take your running to the next level.  These sessions will be comprised of Interval training, Strength training, dynamic/explosive drills and technique.

This session is for everyone! Are you a runner that doesn’t strength train, a lifter with no conditioning or just looking for a workout. Come out and train! Please reserve you space if you are not a CrossFit Route 7 member and arrive 15:00 prior to complete our waiver.

Click here to: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/


4 x 6 (ME)
* Perfrom 3 Tall Box Jumps between sets

15 weighted sit ups 45/25, Fx: 25/15
20 Kettlebell swings 24/16
200m Run
15 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25, Fx: 25/15


1 590 591 592 593 594 743

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