Congratulations to Brandon and The Flickinger Family for their new arrival. Welcome to the world Cooper Reid. Just over a day old and already winning me over with tiny smiles and a great head of hair.

No Classes or Yoga Easter Sunday. All CFR7 members are welcome to train at BCF. Schedule
Saturday, April 15 for the 9 and 10 am WOD. Come out for a fun and challenging WOD to support the goal of finishing MS! The WOD will test your strength, balance, speed, and pacing. Many skills we work to refine during each WOD but that are ten times harder or impossible for someone diagnosed with MS. Victoria, is a crossfitter, weightlifter, runner, and obstacle course racer based in the DMV. She has 27 races and 2 weightlifting competitions planned for the 2017 year. She competes to prove that the body is able and to do while the body is able. Complete the WOD to the best of your ability. All donations are appreciated and will benefit the National MS Society, helping to find a cure to help end Multiple Sclerosis.
Clean & Jerk
20 min to Find a heavy single
Back Squat EMOM 8:
3 reps @85-90% of your 5RM