WOD / Events

Free Mobility Clinic Today at 1:00 pm. Let Coach Marcus show you some techniques that may improve your movement in and outside of the gym.


Partner WOD
1 Mile Run w Medball 20/14, Fx:14/10 (Share 1 MB) 1
100 Thruster 45/35
100 Double Unders
100 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
100 Cal Row

Can’t Stand the rain option:
1K Row
100 Thruster 45/35
100 Double Unders
100 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
1K Row

Overhead Walk with Unstable Bar:
Accumulate 100 M of Heaviest walk


Free Mobility Clinic Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 pm. Let Coach Marcus show you some techniques that may improve your movement in and outside of the gym.


Front Squat
5 x 4 reps @85-90% of 5RM (Or 5-10# heavier than last week)

Beginners: 5 x 5 (A, add 5-10# from last week)

Death By:
1 Burpee
1 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 Fx: 115/80
*EMOM Increase 1 rep for both Movements

Free Mobility Clinic Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 pm. Let Coach Marcus show you some techniques that may improve your movement in and outside of the gym.


Strict Press:
4 x 10 (ME)

400m Run
15 Overhead Squats 135/95, Fx: 95/65
15 Toes to Bar

Free Mobility Clinic Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 pm. Let Coach Marcus show you some techniques that may improve your movement in and outside of the gym.


3 Rounds for time:
20 Kettlebell Clean and Jerks* 32/24, Fx: 24/16
20 Pull Ups Fx: Ring Rows
20 Abmat Sit ups
20 Kettlebell Swings 32/24, Fx: 24/16
20 Walking Overhead KB lunges 32/24, Fx: 24/16
*Switch arms every 5 reps. Acceptable to go from the hang or the ground



Ring Dip Fiinsher:
RX: 60 for time
Fx: 40 For time

Finisher #2 (if time):
skin the cats

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Free Mobility Clinic Saturday, April 22 at 1:00 pm. Let Coach Marcus show you some techniques that may improve your movement in and outside of the gym.


5 x 6 @ 80-85% of 5RM
*Rest no longer than 1:00

Beginners: 5 x 5 add 5-10# from last week

Every :90 for 15 minutes:
Alternate Movements every round:
*25 Wall Balls Shots 20/14
*200 Meter Sprint

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