WOD / Events

We are so excited to have a Community CrossFit Movie night! t. Thanks to Mike Cocoran from CrossFit Mill street, we have the opportunity to watch The Fittest on Earth Documentary at the Angelika Theater in the Mosaic District of Merrifield at 7:30 pm. There may still be seats left.

You can reserve tickets here: https://www.tugg.com/events/fittest-on-earth-a-decade-of-fitness-p9qk

Angelika: https://www.angelikafilmcenter.com/mosaic/cinema-info

Image result for fittest on earth documentary


Push Press:
5 x 5 @ 80-85% of 5RM

Beginners: 5 x 5 (A)

Partner WOD:
6 Rounds (3 rounds each, alternating rounds):
20/18 Cal Row
15 Front Squats 135/95, Fx: 115/80
10 Box Jump Overs 24/20
*Feet can touch the top of box
*Partners must tag in/out
Cap: 20 min

Another  great opportunity for growth! Starting on Monday we have 3 weeks of interviews starting for a 6 week fitness challenge in partnership with New You. On Mon,Wednesday, Friday and Sat Mornings and Mon,Wed and Friday noon and evenings expect to see new faces. Let’s all be warm, smile, say hi and shake their hand when we see them. These candidates are interviewing for the opportunity to join our 6 week fitness challenge (which cost $250). Interviews conducted by Tucker, BJ and Ashley. Thanks!


Hope everyone has grabbed their Tickets for The Fittest on Earth Movie Night at the Angelika theater this Thursday at 7:30 pm.

You can reserve tickets here: https://www.tugg.com/events/fittest-on-earth-a-decade-of-fitness-p9qk

Angelika: https://www.angelikafilmcenter.com/mosaic/cinema-info


Back Squat EMOM 10:
3 reps @85-90% of your 5RM

5 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
4 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95, Fx: 115/80
3 Bar Facing Burpees (over the bar at BCF)
2 Power Snatches 135/95, Fx: 115/80
1 Strict Muscle Up Fx: 3 Strict Pull ups

RX+ 155/105

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Another  great opportunity for growth! Starting on Monday we have 3 weeks of interviews starting for a 6 week fitness challenge in partnership with New You. On Mon,Wednesday, Friday and Sat Mornings and Mon,Wed and Friday noon and evenings expect to see new faces. Let’s all be warm, smile, say hi and shake their hand when we see them. These candidates are interviewing for the opportunity to join our 6 week fitness challenge (which cost $250). Interviews conducted by Tucker, BJ and Ashley. Thanks!


Hope everyone has grabbed their Tickets for The Fittest on Earth Movie Night at the Angelika theater this Thursday at 7:30 pm.

You can reserve tickets here: https://www.tugg.com/events/fittest-on-earth-a-decade-of-fitness-p9qk

Angelika: https://www.angelikafilmcenter.com/mosaic/cinema-info


Weighted Pull Ups
5 x 5 (A: at challenging weight)
Fx: Unweighted, or Strict development 

4 Rounds of 1:00 Stations
Box Jumps 24/20
Overhead Lunges 45/25
Abmat Sit ups



Another  great opportunity for growth! Starting on Monday we have 3 weeks of interviews starting for a 6 week fitness challenge in partnership with New You starting Today. On Mon,Wednesday, Friday and Sat Mornings and Mon,Wed and Friday noon and evenings expect to see new faces. Let’s all be warm, smile, say hi and shake their hand when we see them. These candidates are interviewing for the opportunity to join our 6 week fitness challenge (which cost $250). Interviews conducted by Tucker, BJ and Ashley. Thanks!


Hope everyone has grabbed their Tickets for The Fittest on Earth Movie Night at the Angelika theater this Thursday at 7:30 pm.

You can reserve tickets here: https://www.tugg.com/events/fittest-on-earth-a-decade-of-fitness-p9qk

Angelika: https://www.angelikafilmcenter.com/mosaic/cinema-info


Monday: Hero WOD: “Holleyman”
Tuesday: Weighted Pull ups and Stations
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Push Press
Friday: Clean Complex
Saturday: Bench Press
Sunday: Handstand Push Up

U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel.


Hero Wod:
30 rounds for time:
5 wallball shots, 20/14
3 handstand pushups
1 power clean, 225/155
Compare: 8/22/2015

Recommended Scale
185/125, 135/95, Handstand push ups from a box

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Split Jerk
Find a heavy single

8 Deadlifts 155/105, Fx: 135/95
8 Pull Ups
8 Hand Release Burpees

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