WOD / Events

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:45 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Running Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


Get excited BCF, CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 6th annual BCF/CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!  Bring some beers and friends and support our community! This year will be hosted by CrossFit South Arlington (607 S Ball St, Arlington, VA 22202). We recommend carpooling/uber as parking is limited.

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!



In between initial warm-up sets, athletes perform Ring Dips
RX+: 5 ME sets (UB)
RX: 5 sets of 10 reps (do not need to be UB)
FX: 5 sets of 5 negatives or 5 ring push-ups

10 Minute AMRAP
10 Double Unders/10 Wall Ball
20 Double Unders/20 Wall Ball
30 Double Unders/30 Wall Ball, …etc.

Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Running Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


Get excited BCF, CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 6th annual BCF/CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!  Bring some beers and friends and support our community! This year will be hosted by CrossFit South Arlington (607 S Ball St, Arlington, VA 22202). We recommend carpooling/uber as parking is limited.

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!


10-5-3-1-1-1-3-5-10 reps

From CrossFit.com – August 23, 2017

Strategy: https://journal.crossfit.com/article/cfj-crossfit-wod-171023

100′ Walking Lunge
21 Pull-ups
21 Sit-ups
100’ Walking Lunge
18 Pull-ups
18 Sit-ups
100’ Walking Lunge…continuing down
15, 12, 9, 6

FX: Omit the round of 21

Time cap: 15 minutes.

From CrossFIt.com – originally 2013; posted multiple times since then

Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Runnng Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


Get excited BCF, CFR7 and CFSA members! We’re stoked to announce the 6th annual BCF/CFR7 vs. CFSA Throwdown! Come cheer on your top athletes in a fun, friendly competition!  Bring some beers and friends and support our community! This year will be hosted by CrossFit South Arlington (607 S Ball St, Arlington, VA 22202). We recommend carpooling/uber as parking is limited.

Let us know if you’re coming via our Facebook event! We would love to have a HUGE community turnout to support our top athletes in this fun and friendly competition!


Strength and Skill Schedule:
Monday: Press Complex
Tuesday: Power Clean
Wednesday: 2RM Back Squat
Thursday: Snatch Complex
Friday: Deadlift
Saturday: Hero WOD “Armistice withTEAM RWB
Sunday: Bench Press/ Mainsite WOD


Shoulder Press 1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5
*Goal is to gradually increase in load from one movement to the next, with each final set being maximal.

10 Shoulder Press
15 OHS
20 Push Press
25 Front Squats
30 Push Jerks
35 Back Squats
For time.

RX+: 115/75
RX: 95/65
FX: 75/55

Time cap: 12 minutes.
*To find appropriate scaling, athlete should be able to complete shoulder press UB or with no more than two sets.

From CrossFit.com – April 4, 2013

Yoga with Chuck at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Runnng Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


16:00 to establish a Heavy set of 3
perform 2 Dropsets of 3 at 90% of triple

*22:00 Cap

5 Rounds:
5 Bar Facing Burpees (over the bar at BCF)
10 Power Snatches 115/80 Fx: 95/65
15 Air Squats

Join our Free CrossFit Today at 11:30 am. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:

Thursday, November 9th at 5:30 pm, Runnng Clinic. Running is one of the most challenging things a person can do. Whether for short distance at high speeds or long distances at a moderate or slower pace. It is definitely difficult if you don’t have the technique. Join us with Philip from Potomac River Running Vienna for a running clinic to better prepare you for the Workout of the day.


Handstand Push-ups (or deficit HSPU)

10 min AMRAP

Scaled: Kipping HSPU technique

Overhead Squat 155/105, Fx:115/80
Toes to Bar, Fx: abmat sit ups (2x reps: 4-8-12-16-12-8-4)


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