Thanksgiving Schedule:
Monday: Normal
Tuesday: So Normal
Wednesday: No 7:30 pm WOD-Cancelled
Thanksgiving Thursday: No one is here. Go Eat!
Friday: 9 am WOD only (50 Cap)
Saturday: 10 am WOD only (50 Cap)
Sunday: Back to normal

Yoga with Kendra at 11:15 am. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.
Great reads. CrossFit and Yoga need one another:
DEADLINE SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19: Please fill out the spreadsheet if you are interested in purchasing this hoodie. We have chosen to go with the classic design.The price is $40, Please make payment via cash or paypal. REMEMBER PAYPAL IS SENT VIA FRIENDS AND FAMILY (no fees) to [email protected].
3 count descent, 2 count hold at bottom, 1 count ascent
May be across or ascending, depending on skill and needs of athlete
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
20-cal. row
15 ring dips
10 Turkish get-ups, 50-lb/35-lb dumbbell
NOTE: This workout is intended to be 20 minutes of work FOR QUALITY, not score. Athletes should move with deliberation and virtuosity.