WOD / Events

Excel Rehab will be at the box today at 9:30 am to talk about services they have available for athletes and staying healthy for performance!

“At Excel Rehabilitation our goal is to provide excellent outpatient orthopaedic and sports physical therapy services for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Proudly owned and operated by physical therapists. We provide quality orthopaedic and sports physical therapy to return you to the highest level of performance in life and on the field. At Excel we are 100% committed to patient care and helping our patients achieve their goals.”


5 sets of 4 reps*
Rest as needed
*Add 10+ lbs over last weeks 5 sets of 5

On an 8:00 Clock
800m Run Buy-in, then in the remaining time AMRAP:
8 KBS (24/16 kg) (Rx+ = 32/24 kg)
8 Pull-ups (Rx+ = C2B Pull-ups)
8 Shoulder-to-Overhead (115/75#)

Excel Rehab will be at the box Saturday, January 27 at 9:30 am to talk about services they have available for athletes and staying healthy for performance!

“At Excel Rehabilitation our goal is to provide excellent outpatient orthopaedic and sports physical therapy services for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Proudly owned and operated by physical therapists. We provide quality orthopaedic and sports physical therapy to return you to the highest level of performance in life and on the field. At Excel we are 100% committed to patient care and helping our patients achieve their goals.”


5 Sets of:
Low Hang Snatch + Snatch (drop barbell between reps)
Rest as needed

AMRAP 14 Minutes:
7 Muscle-ups (Fx = Ring Dips x 14 or Ring Push-ups x 14)
50 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
100 Double-Unders

Rope climb technique
*wear tall socks!

6 RFT:
200m Run
3 Rope Climbs (15’)
6 Hang Power Clean (155/105#) Fx = 115/80
12 V-Ups

EMOM 9 (3 sets) of:
Min 1 – :40 Side Plank – Right
Min 2 – :40 Side Plank – Left
Min 3 – 30 Bicycle Crunches

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:45 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


25 Minutes to Establish:
1 RM Clean and Jerk
Recommended percentages to 1 RM = 65, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 101, 101+

20 Double-Unders, 1 HSPU (Fx = Scaled to Pike on Box / Push-ups) RX+ = Strict HSPU
20 Double-unders, 2 HSPU
20 Double-Unders, 3 HSPU…

Optional Finisher:
DB Skull Crushers (on floor) x 15 reps
Hollow Rocks x 15 reps


Attention Ladies our FREE class is this Today at 7:00 am and 7:45 pm. Knock out your first Foundations class at the same time! We are also running a **LADIES WINTER SPECIAL** on our upcoming beginners Foundations course! For only $49 you will receive 6 classes to kickstart your 2018 fitness goals! Come see how women in our gym get results and sculpt their bodies!!
Limited spaces, sign up now:
Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Strict Weighted Pull-up x 5 reps (Fx = work on 3 sets of 5-10 strict pull-ups / assisted pull-ups / ring-row)
(Record score for 5 RM weighted pull-up)
On a 20:00 Clock:

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run (sub 250m row if too cold)
Max Reps KBS (24/16 KG) (Rx+ = 32/24 KG)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Push-ups
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Pull-ups (Fx = assisted pull-ups, Rx+ = C2B)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Sit-ups (Rx+ = Toes-to-Bar)
Rest 1 minute

AMRAP 3 Minutes:
200m Run
Max Reps Lunges in Place
Rest 1 minute

Score = Total Reps

1 519 520 521 522 523 743

Upcoming Events