WOD / Events

Greetings Route 7 Athletes. Starting Jan 22, we are launching another 6 week New You All Challenge for women. Before joining the regular WOD’s these ladies will complete our 2 week Foundations Course from the January 22-Feb 3. Because of the demand for the program, we will be making a slight adjustment to the schedule during the 2 week period. In conjunction with our 6 day Foundations course WODs will be cancelled and we will offer Open Gym on Fridays at 6:30pm WOD

We are also running a **LADIES WINTER SPECIAL** on our upcoming beginners Foundations course! For only $49 you will receive 6 classes to kickstart your 2018 fitness goals! Come see how women in our gym get results and sculpt their bodies!!

Limited spaces, sign up now:


Remember how terrible AWESOME this felt?

Open Workout 15.5
For time:
Row (calories)
Thrusters (95/65#)*

Run multiple heats / members will judge each other to mimic an Open workout

5 sets of:
3-Position Snatch (high-hang, hang, below-the-knee)
Build over the course of 5 sets
Rest as needed between sets

*Crossfit.com from 12/26/17
On a 12-minute clock, 4 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of KB Snatches (24/16 kg)
1 minute of Sit-ups
1 minute of Lunges in place

Finisher: Accumulate 5 minutes of plank hold (optional)

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Every 2 minutes for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
1 Hang Power Clean + 1 Clean + 1 Split-Jerk (drop between hang power clean and clean)
Build up to a heavy complex for the day

For time:
30 Burpees-over-the-bar
15 Clean and Jerk 135/95, Fx: 95/65
24 Burpees-over-the-bar
12 Clean and Jerk 135/95, Fx: 95/65
18 Burpees-over-the-bar
9 Clean and Jerk 135/95, Fx: 95/65

*Rx+: 185/125#

**Time-cap = 15 minutes. If an athlete does not finish within the time-cap, the score is total reps completed.

(15-Minute Practice)
3 sets of 10-12 reps Strict/Assisted/Banded Pull-ups

*Advanced Athletes
3 Sets of:
2-10 Unbroken Bar Muscle-ups, consistent unbroken sets
20m Handstand Walk (2 x 10m unbroken)
*Rest as needed between sets

Give this Drill a try from MisFits!

HSPU, Rx+ = Strict HSPU
One-Arm DB Thrusters 50/30
Ring Dips
*Alternate arms each set

FX: 2, 4, 6, etc..
One-Arm DB Thrusters 35/20
Banded ring dips
*Alternate arms each set

3 Super-Sets:
10 V-ups
10 Hollow-Rocks
10 Tuck-ups
Rest :60 between sets



Jonathan from GNC will be here tonight just in time for the start of the Nutrition Challenge from 5:00 pm-6:30 pm.


Strength/Skill Schedule
Monday: Back Squat Nutrition Challenge Benchmark WOD
Tuesday: Bar MU Skill
Wednesday: Clean Complex
Thursday: 3 Position Snatch
Friday: Open WOD 15.5
Saturday: Deadlift/Partner WOD
Sunday: Bench Press


Back Squat:
4×5 @ 80%, then one set of 5+ reps (max reps) @ 80%
Rest as needed


Nutrition Benchmark test (record your score and scaling and re-test Feb 12):
On a running clock:
From 0-12:00, AMRAP 12:
6 Front Squats (155/105#) Fx = 115/75#
8 C2B Pull-ups (Fx = pull-ups or ring-rows)
40 Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes then when the clock reaches 15:00…

1 Max Set Unbroken Wall-Balls (20/14#)*

*Record two scores, Reps for AMRAP and Max Unbroken Set of Wall-Balls

1 510 511 512 513 514 733

Upcoming Events