Many members from the community have requested that we add Ski Ergs to our programming. We have heard your request and we are challenging you to help us grow our community.
Our challenge to the community is for everyone to bring a friend, family member or coworker to our “Bring A Friend Day” next Tuesday, April 24th. We will offer these friends a $50 discount (only $74) to register for Foundations. If we achieve this goal of 40+ friends throughout the day AND at least 10 register for Foundations, then we will purchase 5 Ski Ergs for the box.
You are in control of accomplishing this goal and shaping our community. Please share our BAF Day to your FB page and call/text friends to invite them.

How bad do you want it?
For Time:
400 M Run
30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups, Fx: Pull Ups
30 Hang Power Clean 155/105, 115/80
400 M Run
30 Handstand Push Up 4″/2″ Deficit, Fx: games standard
30 Front Squat 155/105, 115/80
400 M Run
30 Toes to Bar
30 Push Jerk 155/105, 115/80
400 M Run
Finisher: Coaches Choice