YOU’RE INVITED to the Grand Opening of our 7Fit Program tonight at 6:30pm.
Please join us for a FREE one-hour workout where you will experience the FUN in FUNctional fitness! This class will be unlike any exercise class you have taken before, featuring our exclusive combination of intense cardio and fat-blasting light weight exercises. Our 7-Fit program offers the best coaching and the fastest body-composition results out of any other program out there. We are so confident that you’ll like it, we made your first class free of charge. Experience it for yourself by trying it on July 23rd at CrossFit Route 7.
At the end of this Grand Opening workout on July 23rd, we will be offering the first 15 people to sign up an opportunity to get your first 15 days of 7-Fit membership for only $15! Don’t miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. We can’t wait to start this fitness journey with you.
RSVP on Facebook!
Summer Sizzle Bog 4: This week we take a closer look at the “second brain,” the gut, and how to reduce inflammation to keep it in the best shape possible (and
what can happen when we don’t). We’ll also touch on eating to fuel and improve performance and recovery, and supplementation; do you need it?
Strength/skill Schedule:
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: EMOM 30
Wednesday: Back Squat
Thursday: Muscle Ups
Friday: Shoudlder to Overhead Complex
Saturday: Overhead Squat
Sunday: 3 position Cleans
Bench Press:
5 x 7 (ME)
*Start at 60% and build over the course of 5 sets
*Super-Set each set with 10 alternating pistols or appropriate pistol scale
2 RFT:
100 Double-Unders
10 Thrusters 155/105, Fx: 135/95, Rx+: 185/125
Finisher: 3 sets, for max reps:
:60 of DB Skull Crushers
:60 Rest