The CrossFit Open is here! On Thursday evening at 7:30PM, let’s get together for the Official Launch of the the CrossFit Open season with watching the release of Open WOD 19.1. If you are feeling bold enough you can be one of the first to perform the WOD.
The CrossFit Open is a global event. Over the years, the five-week celebration and competition have developed to reflect a growing sport and our international community. And since the inaugural workout release in 2011, the Open announcements have been a celebrated rallying point for the CrossFit community.
Overview Of The Week:
Monday: “Grace”
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Kipping Pull-ups
Thursday: Deadlifts
Friday 19.1
Saturday: Thrusters
Sunday: Rope Climb Work
For Time
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (Power Clean)
Fx: Grace
30 Clean and Jerks 115/80 (Power Clean)
12:00 Cap
Compare: 2/13/18
Every 2:00 seconds for 18:00
2 Back Squats
Increase load every set