WOD / Events


Free Bootcamp and Yoga!

Join us Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30 pm for a fun, power packed event. We will start the class off with a 20 minute Bootcamp style Workout. Then close with a 45 minutes of Vinyasa yoga with Instructor Kendra (bring your own mat or use ours). Our great community and coaches will keep you motivated and working hard. This workout is for everyone of all fitness abilities, so bring a friend and come to sweat and stretch!

Reserve your spot for Free Bootcamp and Yoga here: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/ (non-members). Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out a waiver and parking.

Guest will receive a $25 discount for our Foundations Course starting Monday, February 25 at 7:45pm. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout, have fun and get fit.

For members don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what? As a thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well. So bring a friend!!!


Open WOD 15.3

7 Ring muscle-Ups
50 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
100 Double-Unders

Scale muscle ups to most difficult version of pull up.

The 2019 Worldwide CrossFit Open Season is underway! If you would like to see how you stack up against CrossFitters near, far and wide here’s your opportunity. Click here for more details


E2MOM 12
2 Deadlifts @85-90%

5 Rounds:
Min 1: 5 Touch and Go Power Clean and Jerks (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 165/115)
Min 2: AMRAP HSPU (Rx+: 4″/2″ Deficit)
Min 3: Rest

“I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

-Philippians 4:13

The 2019 Worldwide CrossFit Open Season is underway! If you would like to see how you stack up against CrossFitters near, far and wide here’s your opportunity. Click here for more details

Free Bootcamp and Yoga!

Join us Wednesday, February 6th at 6:30 pm for a fun, power packed event. We will start the class off with a 20 minute Bootcamp style Workout. Then close with a 45 minutes of Vinyasa yoga with Instructor Kendra (bring your own mat or use ours). Our great community and coaches will keep you motivated and working hard. This workout is for everyone of all fitness abilities, so bring a friend and come to sweat and stretch!

Reserve your spot for Free Bootcamp and Yoga here: https://crossfitroute7.com/try-us-for-free/ (non-members). Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to fill out a waiver and parking.

Guest will receive a $25 discount for our Foundations Course starting Monday, February 25 at 7:45pm. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout, have fun and get fit.

For members don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what? As a thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well. So bring a friend!!!


E2MOM 16
3 Front Squat @80-85%

20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
10 Box Jump (30/24) (Fx: 24/20) (Rx+: 36/30)
10 Goblet Alternating Pistols (24/16) (Fx: Reverse Goblet Lunge (16/12))


E3MOM 24
Row 250
1 Snatch

Score is heaviest Snatch. Athletes increase weight for every 3 min interval if they make their lift at the selected weight. If a lift is missed, athletes may attempt it again as many times as they would like in the 3 min interval.

Core Strength Development

3 Rounds
10 Ring Push Ups into max Ring Plank Hold (Fx: 7 Ring Push Ups)

Rest 1-2 min between rounds.

Scale to push ups and plank hold on the ground.

Class Schedule Update: 7:30 pm WOD and Open gym cancelled.

Olympic Lifting Complex:
E2MOM 20
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean (ME)

For Time:
30/25 Cal Ski Erg
30/25 Cal Assault Bike
30m Handstand Walk (Fx: 30 Shoulder Taps)

Post- WOD Finisher:
Barbell Quad Smash 2:00 min/leg

1 445 446 447 448 449 743

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