WOD / Events




3 Rounds for time:
30/25 Cal Row
60 Double Unders (Fx: 40 Double unders)
30 DB Hang Clean and Jerk (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Switch hands every 5 reps)
18:00 Cap
Stagger Large Classes 2:00

Finisher: 50 V-ups in as few sets as possible


Holiday Pop Up Show for ZYIA! Tonight Monday, December 3, from 4pm-7pm

What’s more motivating than a trendy (and functional!!) workout outfit to get you to the gym!? Come sample and shop the ZYIA Active workout wear brand Monday, December 3 at CrossFit Route 7!  Holidays are around the corner: cross off your gift list or create a wish-list for yourself!

ZYIA ACTIVE is a premium activewear clothing brand with a mission to inspire and uplift!  Amazing quality, great fit, slimming, flattering lines and thoughtful detail!
Please browse the online catalog at your convenience before the event! https://bit.ly/2zWblt3 and you’ll have a chance to try on samples onsite at CrossFit Route 7 on Monday, 12/3 from 4pm – 7pm (before you workout!).
Amanda Chismar, ZYIA Active Rep.
**Be sure to like/follow me to get future updates on ZYIA new product releases and restocks!
**Note on gift items: All items purchased now have an extended return date of January 5**
Overview Of Week:
Monday: Bench Press
Tuesday: Deadlift
Wednesday: Hanukkah WOD
Thursday: Back Squats
Friday: EMOM Gymnastics
Satuday: EMOM Clean
Sunday: Strict Press


Bench Press
5×2 (ME)
Finish with one set of:
AMRAP@90% of 2RM


3 Rounds of:
400m Run
24 abmat situps
16 Kettlebell Swings 32/24 Fx:24/16
8 Bar Muscle Ups Fx:8 C2B Pull-ups


Freestanding handstand hold practice with a partner

Friends of Homeless Hope,

We are less than 4 weeks away from our next Homeless Hope event! We are excited that we will continue to be able to show God’s love by providing basic necessities for homeless men and women (and sometimes children) on the streets of DC. We will be distributing coats, hats, gloves, socks and toiletries to homeless in DC.
When: Sunday, December 2nd starting at 8am
Where: Ballston CrossFit, 1110 N. Glebe Rd. Arlington VA 22205 (you can park in the garage under the gym and we can validate for $2 parking)
Why: Show God’s love by providing warm clothes and food for homeless men and women (and sometimes children) on the streets of DC.
Areas of need:
– collect warm clothes from your closet or from friends and drop them off at Ballston CrossFit the week of the clothes drive
– packaging up the supplies we purchased (8am-10am)
– distributing the items on the streets in DC (10am-noon)
Please let us know if you will be volunteering in this event. In addition, if you would like to make a tax-free online donation for this next event, please go to our Facebook page (our website is shut down for now) to make the tax deductible donation. You can also see photos from our previous events over the last 8 years!
Thanks again for your continued support! God bless,
Tucker and Andrew

E2MOM 14 Minutes
3 Touch and Go Power Snatches (ME)

For time:
27-21-15-9 (Fx: no round of 27)
Hang Power Snatch (75/55)

Naughty or Nice (NoN) is an annual, global opportunity to serve local children and families in our communities by giving a gift and getting a lift. Each year host gyms collect gifts for children by partnering with reputable organizations such as Toys for Tots, local children’s hospitals, homeless shelters and more. Last year we broke our goal of helping 3,000 kids by helping 3,178. This year, help us achieve our goal of helping over 5,000 children! Sign up NOW!



EMOM 20 (4 sets):

Min 1 – Cals (Ski)
Min 2 – Double-Unders
Min 3 – Cals (Bike)
Min 4 – 200m Run
Min 5 – Rest

Isaiah 58:10 “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”

Matthew 25:40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’

Naughty or Nice (NoN) is an annual, global opportunity to serve local children and families in our communities by giving a gift and getting a lift. Each year host gyms collect gifts for children by partnering with reputable organizations such as Toys for Tots, local children’s hospitals, homeless shelters and more. Last year we broke our goal of helping 3,000 kids by helping 3,178. This year, help us achieve our goal of helping over 5,000 children! Sign up NOW!


5 Rounds, not for score:
:45 Rowing (cals)
Rest :15
:30 HSPU (Fx: handstand hold)
Rest :30

*Large classes: partner up and share stations

30 Alternating DB Snatch (50/35) (Fx: 35/20, Rx+: 70/50)
20 Ring Dips (Fx: 15)
30 Box Jumps (24/20”)
20 Wall-Balls (20/14)

Finisher: Practice Skin-the-Cats

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