WOD / Events

2019 CrossFit Open WOD 19.1

19 Wall Balls (20/14)
19 Calorie Row

For Standards and Flow: https://games.crossfit.com/workouts/open/2019/19.1

As we get closer to the Open and performing the Open Wods please take the time to read over the Score judging, submission and validation requirements starting in sections 1.14.
All CrossFit Open Wods will occur on Fridays at CFR7 as the WOD (Saturdays at BCF). All WODs will be partnered up and judged with the Class Coaches enforcing the standards and flow of the Workouts. Integrity and accountability is crucial.
Athletes enrolled in the Open should do their best to partner with other Open athletes. Rx with Rx and Scale with Scaled if possible.
An addition. All workouts performed at CrossFit Route 7 and BCF MUST have a Coach present during all Open WOD attempts outside of scheduled Open WOD times . Scores that were not observed by a Coach will NOT be validated. Regardless if judge has taken the CF judging course.
If a judge is not available the athlete must record their performance and submit  online via the CrossFit Games online video submission process. Section 1.16 of rulebook.
If performing Open WODs at another box, scores are submitted with that specific CrossFit Affiliate as the validating entity.
Good luck!!!


Every 90 seconds for 15:00
2 Deadlifts
*Increase load every set (consider how heavy you go if you are competing in the Open WODs)

Front Squat (155/105) (Fx: 115/80)
Bar Facing Burpees (BCF Lateral)
DB Power Cleans (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)

Post WOD Finisher:
Accumulate a 6:00 plank on elbows

UPDATE: 7:30PM Class is cancelled tonight 2/20
Open gym from 1:30pm-5:30pm
4:30PM, 5:30PM, and 6:30PM WOD and 7-Fit are still on!


The CrossFit Open is here! Tomorrow, Thursday evening at 7:30PM, let’s get together for the Official Launch of the the CrossFit Open season with watching the release of Open WOD 19.1. If you are feeling bold enough you can be one of the first to perform the WOD.

The CrossFit Open is a global event. Over the years, the five-week celebration and competition have developed to reflect a growing sport and our international community. And since the inaugural workout release in 2011, the Open announcements have been a celebrated rallying point for the CrossFit community.


Kipping Pull Up Technique:
4-5 Sets of
Rx+: 6 Pull ups + 4 Chest to Bar Pull ups + 2 Bar Muscle ups
Rx: 6 Pull + 4 Chest to Bar Pull ups
Fx: Max Effort

500 m Row
15 Push Press (115/80) (Fx: 95/65)
40 Double Unders
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)

The CrossFit Open is here! On Thursday evening at 7:30PM, let’s get together for the Official Launch of the the CrossFit Open season with watching the release of Open WOD 19.1. If you are feeling bold enough you can be one of the first to perform the WOD.

The CrossFit Open is a global event. Over the years, the five-week celebration and competition have developed to reflect a growing sport and our international community. And since the inaugural workout release in 2011, the Open announcements have been a celebrated rallying point for the CrossFit community.


4 Supersets of:

4 Bench Press @ 75-80%(A)
12 Barbell Back Rack Lunges (6L/6 R) (ME: From the floor)

Rest as needed

For Time:
30/25 Cals Assault Bike or Ski Erg
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
50 Power Snatches (75/55)

Stagger Appropriately”

The CrossFit Open is here! On Thursday evening at 7:30PM, let’s get together for the Official Launch of the the CrossFit Open season with watching the release of Open WOD 19.1. If you are feeling bold enough you can be one of the first to perform the WOD.

The CrossFit Open is a global event. Over the years, the five-week celebration and competition have developed to reflect a growing sport and our international community. And since the inaugural workout release in 2011, the Open announcements have been a celebrated rallying point for the CrossFit community.


Overview Of The Week:
Monday: “Grace”
Tuesday: Bench Press
Wednesday: Kipping Pull-ups
Thursday: Deadlifts
Friday 19.1
Saturday: Thrusters
Sunday: Rope Climb Work


For Time
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 (Power Clean)

Fx: Grace
30 Clean and Jerks 115/80 (Power Clean)

12:00 Cap
Compare: 2/13/18

Every 2:00 seconds for 18:00
2 Back Squats

Increase load every set 

1 441 442 443 444 445 743

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