Join us for a fun day of gymnastics. We will cover all things handstand. From Handstand push ups to freestanding and walk. Parallettes and obstacle courses. Fee for members and $10 for drop ins. Lets get ready to have some fun.
Athletes pick up where they left off on each work period.
“Open Workout 18.1” AMRAP 20 8 Toes to Bar 10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) (5R/5L) 14/12 Cal. Row
Today, CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.
Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.
Partner Core Development
3 Rounds with Med Ball or Slam Ball: 10 Each Direction Partner Russian Twists 15 Partner Sit Ups
“Bring a Friend Day” AMRAP 20 One partner working at a time. 5 Burpees 10 Box Jumps (adjust height based on ability) 15 Goblet Squats (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)
CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.
Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.
E2MOM 20: Power Snatch (ME)
For Time: 30/25 Cal Assault Bike Buy In, (Fx: 25/20) -Then- 3 Rounds: 5 Strict HSPU (Fx: Kipping HSPU) (Rx+: 4″/2″ Deficit) 15 C2B Pull Ups (Fx: Pull Ups) Time Cap: 12 Minutes
CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.
Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.
Overview of The Week: Monday: Clean EMOM Tuesday: Power Snatch Wednesday: Bring A Friend Day WOD (No CF experience needed) Thursday: Open Workout 18.1 Friday: Ski Erg Test Saturday: Back Squats Sunday: Diane
CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.
Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training. And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.
Strength: 3 Super Sets: Rx: 5 Strict Pull Ups (Rx+: C2B, Weighted if possible) 5 Strict Ring Dips (Rx+: Weighted)
Fx: 5 Jumping Pull Ups (2 Sec. Negative) 5 Jumping Ring Dips (2 Sec. Negative)
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets
Conditioning: For Time: 5 Rounds 9 Toes to Bar (Fx: 7 T2B) 9 Pull Ups (Fx: 7 Pull Ups) (Rx+: C2B) 3 Push Jerks
Every Round, Push Jerk Weight Increases, 12 Minute Time Cap
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.