WOD / Events

Join us for a fun day of gymnastics. We will cover all things handstand. From Handstand push ups to freestanding and walk. Parallettes and obstacle courses. Fee for members and $10 for drop ins. Lets get ready to have some fun.


Athletes pick up where they left off on each work period.

“Open Workout 18.1”
8 Toes to Bar
10 Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerks (50/35) (5R/5L)
14/12 Cal. Row

Two heats with athletes judging

Compare: 2/23/2018

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Bring A Friend Day! (All WODs)

Today, CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.

Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training.  And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.


Partner Core Development

3 Rounds with Med Ball or Slam Ball:
10 Each Direction Partner Russian Twists
15 Partner Sit Ups

Partner Russian Twists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc8Xx26ohv8

“Bring a Friend Day”
One partner working at a time.
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps (adjust height based on ability)
15 Goblet Squats (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Bring A Friend Day! (All WODs)

CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.

Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training.  And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.


E2MOM 20:
Power Snatch (ME)

For Time:
30/25 Cal Assault Bike Buy In, (Fx: 25/20)
3 Rounds:
5 Strict HSPU (Fx: Kipping HSPU) (Rx+: 4″/2″ Deficit)
15 C2B Pull Ups (Fx: Pull Ups)

Time Cap: 12 Minutes

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Bring A Friend Day! (All WODs)

CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.

Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training.  And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.


Overview of The Week:
Monday: Clean EMOM
Tuesday: Power Snatch
Wednesday: Bring A Friend Day WOD (No CF experience needed)
Thursday: Open Workout 18.1
Friday: Ski Erg Test
Saturday: Back Squats
Sunday: Diane


E2MOM 20:
Clean (ME)

For Time:
10 – 20 – 30 – 40
Wall Balls (20/14)
40 – 30 – 20 – 10
American Kettlebell Swings (24/16)

Time Cap: 14 Minutes

Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Bring A Friend Day! (All WODs)

CrossFit Route 7 is having a Bring a Friend Day. Bring a buddy to any WOD and spread your joy of fitness and community. Friends will receive a $25 discount on our Foundations Course. No exercise or CrossFit experience needed. Come workout and have fun.

Don’t forget about our 2019 Referal Program: As a member of the CFR7 community, you have the opportunity to gift $50 towards any friends or family members first month of training.  And guess what… as a huge thank you from us, if they join, you will also get $50 towards your next month of training! After they complete foundations, if they elect to sign up for a 3, 6 or 12-month membership, then they will get $50 off their first month and you will get $50 off your next month as well.

3 Super Sets:
5 Strict Pull Ups (Rx+: C2B, Weighted if possible)
5 Strict Ring Dips (Rx+: Weighted)

5 Jumping Pull Ups (2 Sec. Negative)
5 Jumping Ring Dips (2 Sec. Negative)

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets

For Time:
5 Rounds
9 Toes to Bar (Fx: 7 T2B)
9 Pull Ups (Fx: 7 Pull Ups) (Rx+: C2B)
3 Push Jerks

Every Round, Push Jerk Weight Increases, 12 Minute Time Cap

Push Jerk Weights:
Rx: 135/95, 165/115, 185/135, 205/145, 225/155
Fx: 95/65, 115/80, 135/95, 155/105, 175/125

1 434 435 436 437 438 731

Upcoming Events