WOD / Events

CFR7 Ugly Sweater WOD and Holiday Happy Hour Celebration! Click Here for more details.

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“8 Nights of Hanukkah”

With a Partner, One Person Working at a Time

8 Rounds
8 Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)
8 Burpees Over the Bar
8 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)
8 Box Jumps (24/20)
8 Handstand Pushups (Fx: Hand Release Pushups)
8 Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16)
8 Toes to Bar
8 Thrusters (135/95) (Fx: 115/75)

Compare to 12/20/16, 12/13/17, and 12/5/18

LAST DAY to order your new CrossFit Route 7 Hoodie! Click Here and get your NEW Hoodie now! 


E2MOM 20
1: 10 Back Squats @65 – 70%
2: 10 Back Rack Lunges @50-55%

Back rack lunge weight based on 1RM back squat


4 Rounds
200m Run
5 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: Burpee C2B Pull Ups)

Time Cap 12:00


E2MOM 20
1: 10 Bench Press @70 – 75%
2: 10 Pendlay Row (A)


5 Hang Power Snatch (135/95) (Fx: 115/80) (Rx+: 165/115)
50ft Handstand Walk (Fx: 3 Wall Walks)

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Miss out on the first order of Hoodies?? Well check it out! Click Here and get your NEW CrossFit Route 7 hoodie now! 

MondayDeadliftsInjury Screening With Dr. Stacy Snow, 5:15-7:30pm Click Here
Tuesday Bench Press + Pendlay Row
WednesdayBack Squats + Back Rack Lunges
Thursday“8 Nights of Hanukkah”Ugly Sweater Holiday WOD and Happy Hour Click Here for more information
FridayGymnastics Skills
SaturdayHigh Hang Squat Cleans CrossFit Teens Class 10AM
Click Here for more information
SundayPush Jerks

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E2MOM 10
12 Deadlifts @70 – 75%


30 – 20 – 10
Push Press (115/80) (Fx: 75/55)
Box Jumps (24/20)

Miss out on the first order of Hoodies?? Well check it out! Click Here and get your NEW CrossFit Route 7 hoodie now! 

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E3MOM 15
5 Tempo Front Squats (33×1) (↑)


With a Partner, Alternating Rounds
8 Rounds
15/12 Calorie Row (Fx: 12/10)
15 Dumbbell Goblet Squats (50/35) (Fx: 35/20)

1 383 384 385 386 387 745

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