WOD / Events

Work on your core strength and mobility at Core Flex tonight at 5:45 PM!

Every 2:00, 6 Sets
1-3) 3-Level Snatch (65-70% of 1RM Snatch)
4-6) 3 Squat Snatch (70-75%)
*3 Levels: Power Snatch + Low Power Snatch + Squat Snatch

8 Single Dumbbell Devil’s Press (50/35) (FX: 35/20) (RX+: 70/50)
40′ Handstand Walk (FX: 3 Wall Walks) (RX+: 60′)


2-3 Rounds for Quality
20/20 Banded Wrist Extension w/ Rig
10/10 Side Plank Hip Touch

Every 2:00, 3 Rounds
1) 10/10 Single Leg Hip Thrusts
2) 10 Bent Over Rows
3) 10 Cossack Squats w/ Rig

5 Rounds of :30 on/:15 off
1) AMRAP Calorie Ski
2) AMRAP Calorie Row
3) AMRAP Calorie Bike
4) AMRAP Box Step Overs (24/20)

Please join us for a potluck brunch during Memorial Day Murph! Use this Google Doc to sign up for potluck items.

In honor of Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy – Killed in Action on June 28, 2005 in Afghanistan


1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run

Rx: Unpartitioned with weight vest. (20/14)

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayMurphMemorial Day Murph – 8 AM, 9 AM, and 10 AM only
TuesdayHip Thrusts, Bent Over Row
WednesdaySnatchCore Flex at 5:45 PM
FridayUpper Body Push/Pull
SaturdaySquad WOD
SundayUpper Body Pull, Mobility

Join us tomorrow as we honor LT. Michael Murphy and all our fallen heroes as we do “MURPH” together! We’ll have a potluck breakfast after — please bring something to share!
Link to sign-up for breakfast: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l8_Y126TEchISk6VCmzYppSDiyMjrv_POJ1FOqCJT0E/edit

Every 2:00, 8 Sets
1-4) 2 High Hang Power Clean w/ Pause in Dip (↑, start at 55-60% of 1RM CJ)
5-8) 2 High Hang Power Clean (↑)
*Hold onto bar between reps

250/200m Row (FX: 200/150m)
20 Sit-Ups
10 Single Kettlebell Hang Clean (24/16) (FX: 16/12) (RX+: 32/24)

Join us for Seventh Heaven, Competition Class at 7:15 AM!

Squad WOD
For Time w/ Partner – Split Reps Any Way
100 Calorie Bike
100 Plate Ground to Overhead (45/25) (FX: 25/15)
100 Overhead Plate Lunges (45/25) (FX: 25/15)
100 Calorie Ski
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
100 Box Jumps (24/20)
*FX: 80 each
*32:00 Cap

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