Wednesday, November 23, 2016


Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Don’t let the Holiday season stop you from meeting your fitness goals. Stay on track with the CF Route 7 community and sign up for our next foundations course for $99. Sign up here to get started, FOUNDATIONS COURSE 41.


Revised Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday: No 1930 WOD
Thursday: 0900 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)
Friday: 1000 WOD Only (PLEASE RESERVE)

Sunday: NO YOGA

To view and reserve:


Bench Press: 4 x 7

Barbell Row 4 x 10

3 Sets:
12-15 DB Tricep kick backs
15 DB Push Press
18-20 Single Leg DB/KB Deadlift (9-10 each side)
*Rest as needed, No longer than :90 each round

Accumulate 5:00 OH Plate hold
FX: 25/15
* 8:00 Cap