Saturday, October 17, 2020

Join us at noon for grilling and chilling as we wish Brandon, Addie and Steve success in their future endeavors! CFR7 will provide burgers and bratwursts, feel free to bring a side to share (reply on the Facebook page if you are bringing a side dish).

Please RSVP on Facebook event page so we get enough meat for you!

Free 7-Fit Class at 10:00AM Click Here To Register now


E3MOM 15
Back Squats
1: 4 @75-80%
2: 4 @80-85%
3: 4 @80-85%
4: 4 @80-85%
5: 4 @85-90%


4 Rounds
400m Run 
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
6 Each Side Kettlebell Hang Snatches (24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)