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E3MOM 15
Romanian Deadlift
1: 10@40 – 45%
2: 10@40 – 45%
3: 10@45 – 50%
4: 10@45 – 50%
5: 10@45 – 50%
% Based on 1RM Deadlift
1:30 to Complete
30/22 Calorie Bike (Fx: 25/18)
At 1:30 Start:
60 Reverse Lunge Wall Balls (20/14) (Fx: 50 Reps) (Rx+: 70 Reps)
Post-WOD Finisher
3 Rounds
12 Deficit Push Ups (3″) (Fx: No Deficit) (Rx+: 6″)
1:00 Ring Plank Hold (Fx: High Plank)