Monday, September 4, 2017


Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day Weekend Schedule: Monday, 9/4. 10:am WOD only. No Cap!


Time to get meal prepping. Our nutrition challenge begins Monday, September 4th. Due to member feedback. An extension to buy templates for participation is added. Have your templates purchased by Monday, September 11th qualify for the challenge.
Nutrition Challenge WODs begin Thursday September 7th. They are the the programmed WODs for the community. If you can’t make the class times, Get them done during Open gym with the guidance of the coach.

Now that summer is winding down and everyone is coming back from vacations, it’s time to jump start our fitness for the fall season and new school year!  We are holding a September Attendance Challenge in which we will be giving away ONE FREE MONTH of membership to whoever attends the most WODs in September/next 30 days.  Every week we will post the top 5 leaders in the gym!  Have fun and get fall fit!


Strength/Skill Schedule:
Monday: “Bulger”
Tuesday: Split Jerk
Wednesday: Snatch Doubles
Thursday: 1RM Back Squat
Friday: Pull ups, Aerobic Short Distance Test
Saturday: Deadlift/ “Macho Man”
Sunday: Snatch Balance


Canadian Forces Corporal Nicholas Bulger, 30, of Peterborough, Ontario, assigned to the 3rd Battalion of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, died July 3, 2009 while on patrol in the Zhari district of Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device exploded near his vehicle. Cpl. Bulger is survived by his wife Rebeka, and daughters Brookelynn and Elizabeth

10 rounds for time:
Run 200m
7 chest to bar pull ups
7 front squats, 135/95
7 handstand pushups
Compare: 9/13/2016 and 7/14/15

Coaches note: if classes are large, have athletes share barbell and HSPU station and run a stagger