Member Spotlight!
Over the next few weeks, we will be spotlighting the newest members of the CFR7 5 Year Club. Keep an eye out for their bios, and make sure you congratulate them for being so consistent!
Arslaan Khan (July 2015)

– How many days a week do you workout (and typically what time slot)?
Started out with 3-4 days but these days its been 6-7 days a week now
– What is your favorite thing about CFR7?
The GAAAINSSS!!! but also such a supportive environment.
– What is your favorite movement/workout? Least favorite?
FRAN. Basically any thruster movement.
– What accomplishment are you most proud of (inside or outside the box)?
Honestly I’m amazed at all the things my body can do now since I started crossfit. When i started i was barely able to do a pull up and now i’m doing multiple sets of 7-10 reps. Started with 0 double unders and can do 50 unbroken now on a good day otherwise can push out 30 unbroken any day. Recently I am very proud of finally being able to cycle toes to bar which clearly plagued me for years.
– What is one goal you would like to accomplish in the next year?
Definitely Bar Muscle up and possibly a ring muscle up.
– What advice can you provide to people new to the box?
Trust the programming and just show up. Not all days are going to be great but the gains are totally worth it.
Weekly Overview | Events/Classes | |
Monday | Front Squat | Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30PM! Click Here To Register now |
Tuesday | Snatch | |
Wednesday | Jackie | |
Thursday | Romanian Deadlifts | Free 7-Fit Class at 6:30PM! Click Here To Register now |
Friday | Strict Press | |
Saturday | Squat Clean | Free 7-Fit Class at 10:00AM! Click Here To Register now |
Sunday | Long Conditioning |
E3MOM 15
Front Squat
1: 3@65 – 70% (:03 Pause)
2: 3@70 – 75%
3: 3@70 – 75%
4: 3@70 – 75%
5: 3@75 – 80%
Work 2:00/Rest 1:00
Until You Complete:
30 Power Cleans (165/115) (Fx: 135/95) (Rx+: 185/125)
Start each round with:
20 Sit Ups
Time Cap 14:00