StrengthEvery 1:30, 4 Rounds1) 10 Bent Over Row2) 10 Dumbbell Bench Press3) 20 Banded Pullaparts ConditioningAMRAP 930 Double Unders (FX: Single Unders)9 Hand Release Push-Ups (FX: Push-Ups)9 Toes to Bar (FX: 6 OR Hanging Leg Raises)*RX Min: 7 roundsRead More
StrengthIn 10:00Build to Heavy Weighted Strict Pull-Up Triple FX:Every 2:00, 5 Sets3 Banded Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups w/ 3s Down ConditioningAMRAP 15250/200m Row15 Toes to Bar (FX: 10 OR Hanging Leg Raises)15 Line Facing Burpees*RX Min: 4 RoundsRead More
StrengthEvery 1:30, 4 Rounds1) 10 Strict Ring Dips w/ Pause in Dip (Banded/Weighted)2) 10 Strict Chin-Ups w/ Pause in Hang (Banded/Weighted)3) :30/:30 Side Plank ConditioningAMRAP 126 50′ Shuttle Runs9 Pull-Ups (FX: Jumping Pull-Ups) (RX+: Chest to Bar Pull-Ups)12 Push-Ups (FX: On Knees) (RX+: Hand Release Push-Ups*RX/RX+ Min: 6 RoundsRead More
Happy 10 Year Anniversary!WEAR A CFR7 SHIRT AND COME CELEBRATE! Come support and cheer as we host our AM v Noon v PM Throw-down, followed by Famous Dave’s BBQ! We will kick things off at 9 AM and be finished within a few hours! Feel free to bring a dessert or drinks to share! Come...Read More
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