Get better at being upside down at the Handstand Skills Clinic tonight at 5:45 PM! “Coach Elizabeth”For Time:200m Row10 EKO Complexes400m Run8 EKO Complexes600m Row6 EKO Complexes800m Run4 EKO Complexes1000m Row2 EKO Complexes*EKO Complex = 1 Clean + 1 Shoulder to Overhead + 2 Overhead Lunges (135/95)*Compare to 8/9/23Read More
Squad WOD4 Rounds of 7:00 on, 2:00 off w/ Partner – Split Reps Any Way400m Team Run (FX: 300m)30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) (FX: 20)AMRAP Calorie Row*Score is total CaloriesRead More
Join us Saturday, August 3rd at 4 PM to see the Nationals v Brewers! Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to get your tickets to the Nats Game! Tickets: Sign-up HERE and venmo @crossfitroute7 $26 by July 26th Friends and family welcome! StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets2 Deadstop Deadlift + 4 Deadlift (65-70%) Superset Accessory (3+ out...Read More
StrengthEvery 3:00, 4 Sets2 Pause Back Squat + 4 Back Squat (65-70%) Superset Accessory (3+ out of 4)5/5 Kettlebell Hip Shift “Karen”For Time:150 Wall Balls (20/14)*Compare to 5/8/23Read More
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