SQUAD WOD 10 minBUY-IN: 50/35 Cal Ski (FX: 40/30) (RX+: 60/40) – Resting Partner Holds Plank (FX: High Plank) AMRAP (split reps) 10 Pull-Ups (FX: 8) (RX+: Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups) 20 Push-Ups (FX: 16) (RX+: Hand-Release Push-Ups) 30 Air Squats (FX: 24) (RX+: Jump Squats) 2 min rest 10 min BUY-IN: 50/35 Cal Bike (FX: 40/30) (RX+: 60/40) -Resting Partner Holds Plank (FX: High Plank) AMRAP 10...Read More
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