WOD / Events

Heads up! Open gym is cancelled this upcoming Saturday (2/7). But good news, starting next week, there will be open gym time on both Saturday and Sunday every week, 11-1 on Saturdays and 9-12 on Sundays!!!


“2015 Nutter Chipper”
For time:
20 air squats
15 power snatches (95/65)
20 burpees
15 power cleans (95/65)
20 sit-ups
15 overhead squats (95/65)
20 pull-ups
15 push jerks (95/65)
20 push-ups
15 deadlifts (95/65)

Heads up! Open gym is cancelled this upcoming Saturday (2/7). But good news, starting next week, there will be open gym time on both Saturday and Sunday every week, 11-1 on Saturdays and 9-12 on Sundays!!!


Snatch, 6×3 (A)


5 kettlebell hang snatches, 24/16 (switch arms each round)
5 kettlebell push presses, 24/16 (switch arms each round)
5 ring rows

FREE CLASS AT 6:30pm!!! TELL YOUR FRIENDS OR BRING THEM WITH YOU!!! Free opportunity to check out the space, CrossFit and the community we are trying to build here. Sign-up online, or just show-up for a fun beginners workout and intro style session.


Back squats, 5×5 (A)*
*Add five to ten pounds from last week.


For time:
30 wallball shots, 20/14
30 ring dips
30 wallball shots, 20/14
30 pull-ups
30 wallball shots, 20/14
30 push-ups
30 wallball shots, 20/14

CFR7 members, Dr. Bill Kempe from Airrosti will be providing a 30 minute shoulder mobility seminar at Ballston CrossFit, from 6:15-6:45pm that is free to all members. The seminar will address mobility techniques for the shoulder and is a great opportunity to get some professional advice about any mobility deficits that limit your movement. You are all welcome to join in!
Warm-up will have double unders
Push press, 5×3 (A)
2 bear complex, 115/80
3 sit-ups
2 bear complex, 115/80
6 sit-ups
2 bear complex, 115/80
9 sit-ups*Continue to add three reps to the sit-ups until the twelve minutes are completed.I was at a funeral on Friday, good reminder:

John 11:25-26:25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; 26 and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

We had an incredible time at the Soft Grand Opening event yesterday – thanks for making it so fun and bringing out so many new faces!!


Yoga with Alexis at Ballston Crossfit at 10am. Members of both boxes get free classes and for non-members its $10.

BCF is located at 1110 N Glebe Arlington VA 22201. It is just 4 blocks from the Ballston Metro and also just 2 blocks from the Route 66 exits to Ballston (either Glebe Rd. westbound or Fairfax Dr. eastbound). If you drive, there is plenty of street parking within 2-3 blocks of BCF. There is parking on N. Vernon St. and Vermont Street on the other side of Glebe Rd. as well as parking available on N. Vernon St and 13th Street (these spaces are not zoned and open parking). There is a huge pay parking garage under the space and you can also pay $1 to park at the Ballston Mall (4-5 blocks away).

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