WOD / Events

Athletes get ready for Memorial Day “Murph” and showing our appreciation for those who gave everything. Monday, 25, 2015 we will be running 2 classes at 10 am and 12 pm .  We will be closing the doors ~2 pm, so if you needed a little more we will be there for you. Bring a friend, will not be taking drop-in fees, but would like to take donations for our Memorial Day Murph partners No Greater Sacrifice who will be onsite to talk about their mission and push you through this awesome WOD.

Memorial Day Murph
For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run
Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
*Compare to 5/26/2014



Split Jerk 10 x 1

For Time:


Front Squats 135/95 (From the Floor)

*10 KBS 32/24 after each set of Front Squats, including the last rep of 1.

* RX: Sets must be performed Unbroken


Tonight is the night! Join us at 6:30 pm for  WOD with Warriors functional fitness tribute to do the “21 Guns” WOD. Other WODs will be doing a different WOD (it will include kipping pull-up technique) – show up to find out what it is! 

WOD: 21 Guns
A 21 Gun Salute is the Nation’s highest display of honor, appropriately reserved for our Fallen troops on Memorial Day. Our WOD intends to replicate this, to honor our Nation’s Warriors, past, present, and future. The 21 minute workout and 21 repetitions signify a 21-gun salute, and the 5 exercises are one for each Branch of the Military.

Check out the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1403607459961079/

“21 Guns”
400m run
21 pushups
21 box jumps
15 burpees
9 pullups
*Run can be subbed for 500m row.



Kipping Pull Up Technique

*Athletes Choice: 50, 75, or 100 Pull ups for time

*Check out: https://youtu.be/FHoKDa8dKI4

EMOM 21:

Minute 1: 5 Deadlifts @ 80-85%

Minute 2: Choose 5-10 Toes to Bar

Minute 3: Choose 5-10 HSPU (feel fee to go to a DEFICIT!)

*Continue pattern though out the 21 minutes

Hey Guys! Don’t forget about tomorrow’s RWB event. WOD with Warriors is a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day at gyms all throughout the country. 

Check out the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1403607459961079/


CFR7 members,

Thank you for your great feedback in our 2015 survey. We appreciate the time you took to provide us with your comments and suggestions on how we can continue to improve our operations. Due to your feedback, we are making the following operational changes to improve your experience at our boxes.

– Providing each box with dedicated full-time manager and coach: Going forward, you’ll see Chris focus on the BCF community ([email protected]) and BJ focusing on the CFR7 community ([email protected]). Please reach out directly to these guys regarding membership changes, programming questions, or any other questions you have.
– Adding a competitors program/team: starting this summer, we’ll be adding a competitors program/WOD every Sat from 2-4pm at CFR7. This 2 hour WOD will be led by Coach BJ and it will be free to Platinum members and $25 cash for Gold members or drop-ins from another box. This is going to be an awesome opportunity to compete against top athletes and train for competitions!
– Monthly skills and mobility classes: we will be adding mobility and skills classes on a monthly basis (typically on weekends). Mobility sessions will be free to all and the skills class will count as a class for Gold members.
– Nutrition seminar: we are working to set up a nutrition seminar at CFR7 (free and all are welcome to join, stay tuned for more details)
– Improved music selection: We welcome you to bring playlists and give them to your coach for your WOD! You can also upload playlists to Spotify and we can access them if you share them (username crossfitroute7)
– Notification of events: Some members have recently informed us they were not aware of upcoming events. We have an events section on the websites on the right side of the WOD tab. Events are also listed on the whiteboard.
– App for reserving classes: For those of you unaware, we have a very easy to use app for reserving classes (not currently necessary at CFR7, but just so you’re aware): http://crossfitroute7.zenplanner.com


Fitness & performance:
For time:
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
Run 1 Mile
10 Rope Climbs
Run 1 Mile
100 Burpees


Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara, sister Katie, and brother Greg.

Glen Doherty

Hey Guys! Don’t forget about Thursday’s RWB event. WOD with Warriors is a functional fitness tribute workout held twice a year on Veterans and Memorial Day at gyms all throughout the country. 

Check out the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1403607459961079/


Back squat, 10×1 (A)

In pairs, complete 3 rounds each:
400 Meter Row
50 double unders
*Partner 1 completes both row and DU then partner 2 goes.

Meathead Monday

With beach season just around the corner and temperatures climbing to potential-qualifying-shirtless levels, the first ever “Meathead Monday WOD” is going down today! MEN AND WOMEN come dressed in your most obnoxiously-neon tank-tops, short-shorts and/or jorts and get ready for a swolefest and washboard-abs extravaganza. Loud music, big time pumps and a rip-roaring good time for all, because everyone can be a meathead given the correctly weighted dumbbells, 80’s hairband music and perfectly timed flex-breaks. See you all there for a bi’s, tri’s and gainz festival for the ages!

Fitness & performance:
Bench press, 5×3 (ME)
Strict pull-ups, 4 sets of burnouts (feel free to go weighted)

4 rounds:
Burnout bicep curls (any form)
Burnout banded tricep pulldown

Ab finisher

Optional finisher: 5k run

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Upcoming Events