WOD / Events

This Saturday, January 9, 2016 at BCF from 1:15 pm-2:15pm we will be offering a free skills seminar for members of both BCF and CFR7!

We will be covering the technique for following:

– kipping pull-ups
– muscle ups
– kipping HSPU
– kipping ring dips (if time permits)

5 x 3 (A)*
*5-10# heavier than last week

Tabata: 16 mins total
Alternating KB Snatch 24/16
Toes to bar
KB Swing 24/16
Complete a full tabata per movement, then rotate.

Nutrition Seminar this Thursday, January 7 . No 6:30pm WOD. Last Day Sign-up through Zen Planner or on our website (Click here to register)

This Saturday, January 9, 2016 at BCF from 1:15 pm-2:15pm we will be offering a free skills seminar for members of both BCF and CFR7!
We will be covering the technique for following:

– kipping pull-ups
– muscle ups
– kipping HSPU
– kipping ring dips (if time permits)
25 mins to Establish a 1RM Back Squat
***I Smell a Squat Cycle ahead***
EMOM 10: 5 Thrusters
* Athletes Choose load (psst,Go Heavy)


Nutrition Seminar this Thursday, January 7 . No 6:30pm WOD. There is still time Sign-up through Zen Planner or on our website (Click here to register)

This Saturday, January 9, 2016 at BCF from 1:15 pm-2:15pm we will be offering a free skills seminar for members of both BCF and CFR7!

We will be covering the technique for following:

– kipping pull-ups
– muscle ups
– kipping HSPU
– kipping ring dips (if time permits)
20 mins to Find 1RM Clean and Jerk
10 min AMRAP:
10 hang power cleans Rx: 115/80 Fx: 95/65
10 push press Rx: 115/80 Fx: 95/65
20 sit-ups

New Year Schedule: Class Additions
7:30 pm WOD: Monday and Tuesday
1130 Comp Train: Saturday
4:30 pm WOD: Sunday
5:45 pm Yoga: Sunday (We have mats but members are encouraged to bring their own if possible)
***ALL classes are subject to a minimum average of 5 attendees per class***

House Rules: https://crossfitroute7.com/better-community-better-box-house-rules/


Bench Press 4 x 6 (A)
5-10 Heavier from Last week

For Time:
75 Lunges
50 C2B Pull ups FX: Pull Ups
25 Ring Dips


4:30 pm WOD and 5:45 pm Yoga! A New Year brings new opportunities.


Kipping HSPU Technique:
RX: 5 x 1 Wall Walk + 3/1 Strict HSPU
FX: 30 HSPU for time (ladies 1 abmat)
*3/1 is M/F

AMRAP5 x 2
9 Power Snatches 95/65 FX:75/55
12 Box Jumps 24/20
Rest 3:00 between AMRAPS


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Upcoming Events