WOD / Events

TODAY!!! CFR7 2.0 Grand Opening! We are so excited to open the doors of CrossFit Route 7 to the Northern VA community in our incredible newly completed CrossFit facility! Just like last year we want you to shout from the Mountain Tops about our community and where we train. Bring Family, friends and co-workers to join us in a FREE work out. ***No CrossFit Experience Needed*** We will have a fun WOD made for everyone.
**Morning classes will be cancelled at BCF so join us at CFR7! We will be running 4 WODs: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
**SHARE on Facebook and invite your friends and family!


Grand Opening Route 7 WOD:
3 Rounds of 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest/rotate:
Station 1: WBS 20/14, 14/1
Station 2: Sit-ups
Station 3: Burpees
Station 4: Row Cals
Station 5: Plate G2OH 45/25, 25/15
Station 6: Box Jump 24/20
Station 7: Rest
20:00 total


Mark you calendars for CFR7 2.0 Grand Opening on Saturday, January 16, 2016! We are so excited to open the doors of CrossFit Route 7 to the Northern VA community in our incredible newly completed CrossFit facility! Just like last year we want you to shout from the Mountain Tops about our community and where we train.  Bring Family, friends and co-workers to join us in a FREE work out.  ***No CrossFit Experience Needed*** We will have a fun WOD made for everyone.
**Morning classes will be cancelled at BCF  so join us at CFR7! We will be running 4 WODs: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
**SHARE on Facebook  and invite your friends and family!


EMOM 10:
2 Front Squats @ 85-90%

3 Thrusters 100/65
3 C2B Pull ups
6 Thrusters 100/65
6 C2B Pull ups
9 Thrusters 100/65
9 C2B Pull ups
***increase by 3 reps until Amrap ends
Masters (55+): 90/55, C2B/pull ups


NOTE – open gym at 7:30pm is cancelled tonight.


Mark you calendars for CFR7 2.0 Grand Opening on Saturday, January 16, 2016! We are so excited to open the doors of CrossFit Route 7 to the Northern VA community in our incredible newly completed CrossFit facility! Just like last year we want you to shout from the Mountain Tops about our community and where we train.  Bring Family, friends and co-workers to join us in a FREE work out.  ***No CrossFit Experience Needed*** We will have a fun WOD made for everyone.
**Morning classes will be cancelled at BCF  so join us at CFR7! We will be running 4 WODs: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
**SHARE on Facebook  and invite your friends and family!


Kipping Pull Up Technique


Team Wod: Teams of 2
50 WBS 20/14
50 Double unders
40 Deadlifts RX 135/95, FX: 95/65
40 Box Jumps 24/20″”
30 Power Cleans 135/95 Fx: 95/65
30 T2B
20 S2OH 135/95 Fx: 95/65
20 Burpees over the bar
10 Power Snatches 135/95, FX: 95/65
10 HSPU (mens RX to a 4″ deficit)
*1 person works at a time”

Mark you calendars for CFR7 2.0 Grand Opening on Saturday, January 16, 2016! We are so excited to open the doors of CrossFit Route 7 to the Northern VA community in our incredible newly completed CrossFit facility! Just like last year we want you to shout from the Mountain Tops about our community and where we train.  Bring Family, friends and co-workers to join us in a FREE work out.  ***No CrossFit Experience Needed*** We will have a fun WOD made for everyone.
**Morning classes will be cancelled at BCF  so join us at CFR7! We will be running 4 WODs: 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm
**SHARE on Facebook  and invite your friends and family!


Push Jerk
4 x 6 (A)
From the Floor

10 Alternating Pistols (Fx: rolling candlesticks)
10 ring dips (Fx: burpees)
10 Meter HS Walk, FX: 20 Meter Bear Crawl (Hips Low, bent knees)

Back Squat
3 x 10 @ 70%

50 KBS 24/16
40 Abmat Sit ups
30 lunges
20 HR Push ups
10 Goblet Squats
20 HR Push ups
30 Lunges
40 Abmat Sit ups
50 KBS 24/16

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