WOD / Events

Your attitude determines your altitude. When you walk up to the barbell make the decision to own that rep. Whether it’s an empty barbell, 50% , 1RM or a PR attempt. Do not allow Doubt or Fear to determine your performance. Let your effort decide.


We have exciting news! You can now download Zen Planner’s mobile app to view our calendar and book classes from your phone!
You will now be able to do the following from the app:
  • Reserve a class, add yourself to a waitlist and cancel your reservation
  • View all class information, including: Name, Description & Spaces Remaining
  • View Instructor Pictures
  • View “Who’s Coming” to classes
Click on the icons below to view the Zen Planner app in the iTunes or Google Play store.  If you have any questions concerning the app, you can access the help documentation here.
We hope you enjoy the app!


Back Squat
5 x 2 @ 90%

4 rounds:
Min 1: 5 Deadlifts 275/185 FX: 185/125 (athletes may go heavier, use discretion)
Min 2: 5 Strict HSPU, FX: 6 Kipping HSPU (female Abmat)
Min 3: 3/2 Rope Climbs FX: 3 Supine Rope full w/high knees

4:30pm WOD and Yoga today at 5:45pm with Claire. Our new yoga class is FREE for all members and $10 for friends!


Drop Snatch:
5 x 3

10 KBS 32/24, FX:24/16
15 Cal Row
Rest 1:00
10/5 Strict Pull ups
60 M Shuttle
Rest 1:00
10 HR Push Ups
15 Box Jumps 24/20 (games standard)
*Score is Total Rounds + Reps

**Athletes can start at any AMRAP if class size is large.


We have exciting news! You can now download Zen Planner’s mobile app to view our calendar and book classes from your phone!
You will now be able to do the following from the app:
  • Reserve a class, add yourself to a waitlist and cancel your reservation
  • View all class information, including: Name, Description & Spaces Remaining
  • View Instructor Pictures
  • View “Who’s Coming” to classes
Click on the icons below to view the Zen Planner app in the iTunes or Google Play store.  If you have any questions concerning the app, you can access the help documentation here.
We hope you enjoy the app!


Handstand Walk Technique
RX: 50 meters For time
FX: 25 Meters for time

For Time:
10 Clean & Jerks 155/100, FX: 115/80
15 Bar Facing Burpees (BCF Burpees over the bar)
20 Front Squats 155/100 FX: 115/80
25 OH Walking Lunges 45/25 FX:25/15 (steps)
30 Cal Row
25 OH Walking Lunges 45/25 FX:25/15 (steps)
20 Front Squats 155/100 FX: 115/80
15 Bar Facing Burpees (BCF Burpees over the bar)
10 Clean & Jerks 155/100, FX: 115/80
***Stagger Heats 2:00 if class is large to compensate for Rowers. RX:first heat

We have exciting news! You can now download Zen Planner’s mobile app to view our calendar and book classes from your phone!
You will now be able to do the following from the app:
  • Reserve a class, add yourself to a waitlist and cancel your reservation
  • View all class information, including: Name, Description & Spaces Remaining
  • View Instructor Pictures
  • View “Who’s Coming” to classes
Click on the icons below to view the Zen Planner app in the iTunes or Google Play store.  If you have any questions concerning the app, you can access the help documentation here.
We hope you enjoy the app!



150 Wall balls 20/14
90 Double-unders
30 Muscle-ups
*Masters 55+, 9′ target

Front Squat
*Increasing:It’s okay to fail!

18 mins to Find heavy 5

5 Rounds for Time
10 HSPU FX:HR Push Ups
10 KBS 32/24 FX:24/16

1 663 664 665 666 667 742

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