WOD / Events

TONIGHT!!! Do you want to know the WOD for Friday? OPEN WOD 16.1 will be released Thursday Night at 7:45 pm. Watch on games.crossfit.com. We will be doing all Open Wods on Fridays at CFR7 and on Saturdays at BCF.


Remember CFR7 and BCF Ninja Saturday Funday at CrossFit Loudon/Northern VA Ninja Training. Click here for details.


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


EMOM 10:
1 Snatch + 1 low hang Snatch + 1 OHS (A)

3 rounds for time:
10m Overhead KB lunges left 24/16 FX: 16/12
10 T2B
10m Overhead KB lunges right 24/16 FX: 16/12
10 HSPU (RX men to a 45lb deficit)


Remember CFR7 and BCF Ninja Saturday Funday at CrossFit Loudon/Northern VA Ninja Training. Click here for details.


OPEN WOD 16.1 will be released Thursday Night at 7:30 pm. Watch on games.crossfit.com. We will be doing all Open Wods on Fridays at CFR7 and on Saturdays at BCF.


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


GHD Hip Extension instruction

For Time, with a partner:
120 Cal Row
100 WBS 20/14
80 Cal Row
60 WBS 20/14
40 Cal Row
20 WBS 20/14

RX: 4×10 unbroken C2B pull-ups
FX: 4×10 unbroken pull-ups

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Remember CFR7 and BCF Ninja Saturday Funday at CrossFit Loudon/Northern VA Ninja Training. Click here for details.


OPEN WOD 16.1 will be released Thursday Night at 7:30 pm. Watch on games.crossfit.com. We will be doing all Open Wods on Fridays at CFR7 and on Saturdays at BCF.


Submit your 2016 Spring Hoodie order.  Ladies ensure that you place an (U) for Unisex or (F) for Female. Order Deadline Saturday March 12. DO NOT SUBMIT ANY PAYMENT YET.


Front Squat:
20 Minutes to Find Heavy Triple

3 x AMRAP 2 (6 min total work)
3 Deadlifts 165/110, FX: 115/80
3 Hang Power Cleans 165/110, FX: 115/80
3 Shoulder to Overhead 165/110, FX: 115/80
9 Burpees
Rest 2:00

Score is Total Rounds + Reps. Start where you left off in the previous AMRAP for a total rounds + reps at the end of the 3 AMRAPs.


Remember CFR7 and BCF Ninja Saturday Funday at CrossFit Loudon/Northern VA Ninja Training. Click here for details.


OPEN WOD 16.1 will be released Thursday Night at 7:30 pm. Watch on games.crossfit.com. We will be doing all Open Wods on Friday and on Saturdays at BCF.


Push Press
5 x 3 (ME)

10 Games Std. Box Jumps 24/20
15 KB SDHP 32/24 FX:24/16
20 Double Unders


Clean and JerK:
2 @ 80%, 2 x 1@85% and 3 x 1 @ 90%

EMOM 15:
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Fx: pull-ups)
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
*if athletes don’t complete the required reps in the round…then you rest the following minute and then continue.

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