WOD / Events

Thursday, April 21 at 6:15, How to improve your squat with Airrosti. What is preventing you from squatting like a master. Tight hip, ankles,  or mechanics. Lets fix it. The Airrosti team will be providing 45 minutes of squat therapy to our members for free.  If you know someone looking to fix there squat, bring them in. Drop in fee is only $10. Then stay for the WOD that proceeds.

Please provide Airrosti with attendance by registering here. https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/DI4ZO250ERZ


Get ready to cheer on our CFR7 athletes that are competing in the Route 7 Rumble Saturday, April 23, 2016.


Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 7 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer Simmons’ wife and two children.

Strict Press
5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95%

“Fitness & Performance:
For time:
75 snatches, 75/55″
Compare to 4/24/2014

Free CrossFit class tonight at 6:30 pm. No Crossfit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Thursday, April 21 at 6:15, How to improve your squat with Airrosti. What is preventing you from squatting like a master. Tight hip, ankles,  or mechanics. Lets fix it. The Airrosti team will be providing 45 minutes of squat therapy to our members for free.  If you know someone looking to fix there squat, bring them in. Drop in fee is only $10. Then stay for the WOD that proceeds.

Please provide Airrosti with attendance by registering here. https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/DI4ZO250ERZ


Get ready to cheer on our CFR7 athletes that are competing in the Route 7 Rumble Saturday, April 23, 2016.


Emom 10:
1 Squat Snatch starting at 60%
increase weight every minute

Partner WOD
1 Partner: Runs 200m w/medball 20/14
Partner 2;
5 Rope Climbs, FX: 15 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps 32/26 Fx: 24/20
15 Goblet Squats 24/16

Thursday, April 21 at 6:15, How to improve your squat with Airrosti. What is preventing you from squatting like a master. Tight hip, ankles,  or mechanics. Lets fix it. The Airrosti team will be providing 45 minutes of squat therapy to our members for free.  If you know someone looking to fix there squat, bring them in. Drop in fee is only $10. Then stay for the WOD that proceeds.

Please provide Airrosti with attendance by registering here. https://go.airrosti.com/scheduler/event/DI4ZO250ERZ


Get ready to cheer on our CFR7 athletes that are competing in the Route 7 Rumble Saturday, April 23, 2016.


Monday: Deads
Wednesday: Press
Friday: Back Squat
Sunday: Bench


3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90%

4 Rounds (this should be fast and furious!):
5 Power Cleans 185/125 Fx; 135/95
10 Burpees over bar (do NOT need to open the hips)
20 Double Unders
Rest 1:00



Yoga with Jenna at 5:45 pm. $10 drop in


Find Heavy Triple
Split Jerk from the Rack

5 HSPU 4’deficit, FX Games standard
10 Front Squats 135/95, FX 95/65

Bench Press
3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90%

2 Alt. KB Snatches 24/16, Fx 16/12
20 m Shuttle
4 Alt. KB Snatches 24/16, Fx 16/12
40 m Shuttle
6 Alt. KB Snatches 24/16, Fx 16/12
60 m Shuttle
increase by 2 reps every round until time cap.

1 647 648 649 650 651 742

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