WOD / Events

3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90%

6 Hang Power Clean and Push Jerks 115/80 Fx: 95/65
12 Pistols FX:Candlesticks
*do lunges if you cannont do candlesticks

Yoga with Claire at 5:45 pm. Free for CFR7 members and $10 drop in.

Great read. CrossFit and Yoga need one another: http://zusayoga.com/yogaandcrossfit/


Pull Up Development:
RX: 3-5 sets of 2 Strict + 3 Strict C2B + 4 kipping + 5 Kipping C2B
FX: 2 Strict +3 kipping + 4 Kipping C2B
*Rest as needed, Butterfly is allowed.
**RX+ throw in a bar muscle up or 2 at the end of the complex!

OHS 135/95, Fx: 115/80
Push Ups
then, 9-12-15
Front Squat 135/95, Fx: 115/80

100 Ft. Hand Stand Walk for time
Fx: 50

“Encourage those around you by never giving up on your dreams.”



Bench Press
3 x 70%, 80% and 3+ x 90%

3 Rounds for Time:
15 T2B Fx; 10T2B
20/18 Ca Row Fx: 15/12
Rest 1:30
*Score is total time

25 minutes to find a heavy Clean and Jerk

Push Press 95/65 Fx:75/55
Burpees over Bar
*5 burpee penalty for putting barbell down

*RX+ 115/80


I hope you reserved your spot with Dr. Jordan Speares  is certified as an Active Release Technique (A.R.T.) provider!  A.R.T. is a patented technique that is used to break up the scar tissue that restricts blood flow and impedes movement.  Register online HERE or standby if seat is empty.


Ring Muscle up technique or 30 muscle ups for time

200 M Run
6 Snatches @ 75% of 1 RM
*squat snatch is required

1 635 636 637 638 639 742

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