WOD / Events

Hang Power Clean 5 x 2

(A @ 80%)

200 m Run
10 Push Press 95/65, Fx: 75/55
20 Abmat Sit ups
30 Goblet Squats 24/16, Fx: 16/12

Finisher: Goat or Mobility work

CF Open WOD 17.4 is CF Open WOD 16.4…Told ya!

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 Deadlifts, 225/155
55 wall-ball shots, 20-lb. ball to 10-ft. target
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups

Scaled: (Ages 16-54) Men deadlift 135 lb., throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and perform hand-release push-ups Women deadlift 95 lb., throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and perform hand-release push-ups

Masters 55+: Men deadlift 185 lb., throw 20-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 95 lb. Women deadlift 125 lb., throw 10-lb. ball to 9-ft. target and push press 65 lb.

Push Press:
5 x 5 (A)

EMOM 15 (moderate intensity metcon, feel free to bump it up if not competing in the Open):
Minute 1: Row Cals 18/15
Minute 2: Double Unders 40 Fx: 30
Minute 3: 3-6 Ring Muscle ups, Fx: Transitions

Additional class times starting Monday, March 13th. Take advantage of the new schedule and please Reserve for ALL EVENING Classes.
4:30 Pm WODs Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
9:00 am Wods on Saturdays


Snatch Complex:
1 Snatch Hi Pull + 2 Snatches
(Focus on contact at the hip and Leg drive)
16 to Find Heaviest complex

4 rounds:
8 Power Snatches 135/95, Fx:95/65
8 Thrusters 135/95, Fx:95/65


***Schedule Update: No 7:30pm Wod or 7:30 pm Open gym tonight, Tuesday, March 14. All inclement weather updates will be posted to Facebook, WOD page, and Zen planner calendar will be updated a minimum of 2 hours before scheduled class. If nothing is updated, it means regular class schedule will be in effect. We will not be responding to email, FB or text messages inquiring about class schedule and weather conditions. Thank you and please be safe.***


Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Additional class times starting Monday, March 13th. Take advantage of the new schedule and please Reserve for ALL EVENING Classes.
4:30 Pm WODs Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
9:00 am Wods on Saturdays


Back Squat:
3 x 5 (ME)

10 Toes to Bar
15 alternating pistols FX: Goblet squats 24/16
30 Double Unders



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