WOD / Events

Friday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm, all Route 7 ladies, It’s time to Wine and WOD. Join us for a women’s only event where you’ll be able to strengthen your bonds with your fellow R7 lady CrossFitters and maybe even form some new ones!

There’s nothing better than getting a sweat on and having a few drinks and some grub with good people. Please BYOB and snacks to share. In addition, please use the Google excel spreadsheet posted on our Seven Up page to post what snacks you’ll be bringing to share and to see what others are bringing as well.

Lastly, bring any (female) friends along to the event who would like to join… the more the merrier! No fee for attending.


Saturday, June 3rd starting around 2 pm, Test you swing at Top Golf Loudon with the community. Great food, music and family!  Plenty of activities available for Adults and children. Wear your favorite tank to show off them arms for your swing. Hope to see the community in full affect!


Front Squat Jerk Complex
Find heaviest complex of:
2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk
*From the rack

20:00 Cap

10 Hang Power Clean and Jerks 115/80, Fx: 95/65
200m run
30 Double Unders


1 Thessalonians 5:11 – Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

Friday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm, all Route 7 ladies, It’s time to Wine and WOD. Join us for a women’s only event where you’ll be able to strengthen your bonds with your fellow R7 lady CrossFitters and maybe even form some new ones!

There’s nothing better than getting a sweat on and having a few drinks and some grub with good people. Please BYOB and snacks to share. In addition, please use the Google excel spreadsheet posted on our Seven Up page to post what snacks you’ll be bringing to share and to see what others are bringing as well.

Lastly, bring any (female) friends along to the event who would like to join… the more the merrier! No fee for attending.


Saturday, June 3rd starting around 2 pm, Test you swing at Top Golf Loudon with the community. Great food, music and family!  Plenty of activities available for Adults and children. Wear your favorite tank to show off them arms for your swing. Hope to see the community in full affect!


Hollow Position Work:

Technique Breakdown
then: 2 x :30 of each movement

*Tuck Hollow Hold, Single Leg Extensions, Extending Both Legs
*Lowering Straight Legs, Extending the Arms
*Hollow Rock
*Tuck Crunch & V-Ups

*Courtesy of: CrossfitGymnastics.com; http://www.crossfitgymnastics.com/hollow-variations/

Partner WOD:
For Total time:
3 Rounds each
Person 1: 300 meter row
Person 2: Front Rack KB Hold 24/16, Fx: 16/12 (2 Kettlebells)
3 Rounds each
Person 1: 10 Handstand Push ups, Fx: Hand release Push ups
Partner 2: Handstand Hold Fx: Plank
3 Rounds each:
Partner 1: 10 Toes to Bar Fx: Hanging Knee Raises
Partner 2: Deadlift Hold 225/155, 185/125

*Reps count only while Hold is performed

*Coaches can start teams at different WOD Pieces

Friday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm, all Route 7 ladies, It’s time to Wine and WOD. Join us for a women’s only event where you’ll be able to strengthen your bonds with your fellow R7 lady CrossFitters and maybe even form some new ones!

There’s nothing better than getting a sweat on and having a few drinks and some grub with good people. Please BYOB and snacks to share. In addition, please use the Google excel spreadsheet posted on our Seven Up page to post what snacks you’ll be bringing to share and to see what others are bringing as well.

Lastly, bring any (female) friends along to the event who would like to join… the more the merrier! No fee for attending.


Saturday, June 3rd starting around 2 pm, Test you swing at Top Golf Loudon with the community. Great food, music and family!  Plenty of activities available for Adults and children. Wear your favorite tank to show off them arms for your swing. Hope to see the community in full affect!


Hang Power Snatch:
Find a Heavy Double
18:00 Cap

Death By:
Thruster 95/65 Fx:75/55 + Burpee
starting at 1 rep each movement. Increase rep for every minute performed
*Score is last Successful round plus reps from failed round

Free CrossFit Tonight at 6:30 pm. No CrossFit Experience needed. Bring a friend and sign up HERE:


Friday, June 2nd at 6:30 pm, all Route 7 ladies, It’s time to Wine and WOD. Join us for a women’s only event where you’ll be able to strengthen your bonds with your fellow R7 lady CrossFitters and maybe even form some new ones!

There’s nothing better than getting a sweat on and having a few drinks and some grub with good people. Please BYOB and snacks to share. In addition, please use the Google excel spreadsheet posted on our Seven Up page to post what snacks you’ll be bringing to share and to see what others are bringing as well.

Lastly, bring any (female) friends along to the event who would like to join… the more the merrier! No fee for attending.


Saturday, June 3rd starting around 2 pm, Test you swing at Top Golf Loudon with the community. Great food, music and family!  Plenty of activities available for Adults and children. Wear your favorite tank to show off them arms for your swing. Hope to see the community in full affect!


Find a moderate triple

NY: 5 x 5 (A)
*20: Cap

3 Rounds For time:
20 Box Jump Overs 24/20
20 Front Rack Kettlebell Lunge 32/24 FX:24/16
20 abmat Sit ups

Strength for the Week:
Monday: 9 am and 10 am WOD only: “Murph”
Tuesday: Deadlift
Wednesday: Hang Power Snatch
Thursday: Partner WOD
Friday: Front Squat Jerk Complex
Saturday: “Lighter Regional WOD Event 2”
Sunday: Push Press



For time:

1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, N.Y., who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it “Body Armor”. From here on it will be referred to as “Murph” in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run. If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.



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